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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu MP.NAMO Namo Lagoon
Tokelau MP.NAMO Namo Lagoon
Tongan MP.NAMO Namo Lagoon; sea near the land, esp. between reef and shore
West Futuna MP.NAMO Namo Pool of water
Marquesas AN.FARA Ko/fá-a The wood of the *fa-a*; a spear made from it
New Zealand Maori TA.NANA.2 Nana Eyebrows, tattoo marks between the eyebrows
Hawaiian NP.NANA.3 Nanaa Strut, look for a fight; sexually aroused
Hawaiian CE.NAA-NAA Naanaa Look at, see, observe, notice, inspect; care for, pay attention to
New Zealand Maori CE.NAA-NAA Hii/nana/ Staring angrily, looking fierce
New Zealand Maori CE.NAA-NAA Nana Look! Behold!
Rarotongan CE.NAA-NAA Naanaa Turn or raise the eyes, look at; turn, look, glance
Rarotongan CE.NAA-NAA I/naa Look! Lo and behold! Look out (you) there!
Tuamotu CE.NAA-NAA Nanaa To look at, observe
Niue CE.NANE Nane Boiled arrowroot and coconut pudding Problematic
Marquesas PN.FAU.B Ko/fáou [= fáou] The *purou* tree; an ornament for the ears made from the wood of the *fáou*
Marquesas MP.FAU.A Ko/fáou [= fáou] The *purou* tree; an ornament for the ears made from the wood of the *fáou*
Marquesas XE.NIKU Ko/néku (NKH), ko/néu The rib of the cocoa nut leaf; a toothpick; an European fork
Niue PN.NAO Nao Probe with fingers, poke (e.g. into rock hole for sea-food, into one's own mouth). Pull out of hole (McE).
Niue PN.NAO Na/naoo Thrust hand into hole
Penrhyn PN.NAO Noo Open tridacna shells, separate flesh from shell; shell opener, a pointed stick made from ngangie wood
Penrhyn PN.NAO Noo/noo To grope a fish, put a hand into a hole in a rock to search for a fish
Penrhyn CP.NAO-NAO Noonoo Small fly-like insect of any kind such as sand-fly, fruit-fly, midge and so on
Kapingamarangi NP.NAPE.A Nepe Fastening turn of the outrigger shroud to the middle boom; make a slip knot, slip through; tuck in, as a lavalava
Nukuoro NP.NAPE.A Nape Hook under waistband
Penrhyn NP.NAPE.A Nape Bait-string, tied to the point of a fish-hook
Rarotongan NP.NAPE.A Nape Tie or bind round; hook something towards one
Tikopia NP.NAPE.A Nape Loose turn of cord or belt
Fijian FJ.NASA Nasa Shoot at by bending a stick and releasing it
New Zealand Maori FJ.NASA Naha Noose of a snare
Mangareva FJ.NASA Naʔa Bow (for shooting). Arc, arme pour lancer des flèches (Rch).
Fijian FJ.NASE Naci The greater roots of the yaqona plant
Marquesas FJ.NASE Nahe/i Root eaten in times of scarcity (Leach 2003)
Tahitian FJ.NASE Nahe The gigantic fern, the root of which is used for food . (Angiopteris evecta)
Rarotongan NP.NATI Nati-a Bind, tie tightly round, tether, snare (in a noose)
Tahitian NP.NATI Nati Lier. To tie or bind with a cord; fitting or setting close; the name of a stick with loops to catch eels (Dvs).
Hawaiian OC.NATU.1 Naku Root, wallow as a hog, trample
Takuu OC.NATU.1 Natu To mix (e.g. grated starch and pounded fruit) by folding; knead (as in preparing sosoro food)
Rennellese OC.NATU.2 Natu A tree (Burckella obovata); its wood is used for paddles
Easter Island NP.NAU.1 Nau/nau Sandalwood
Penrhyn NP.NAU.1 Nau/nau Parasitic vine sp. that looks like entangled fishing net (Cassytha filiformis). (Lepidium bidentatum) (McC).
Luangiua EP.KUKU.1B ʔUu Fishing - far out to sea, many hooks on one line Problematic
Takuu EP.KUKU.1B Kkuu Fishing technique (A single line is dropped beyond the reef...sinker at the bottom and several hooks attached above on wooden spacers. The principal fish caught by this method is *paru*.) Problematic
Mangareva CE.NAU-PATA Naupata Arbrisseau: Scaevola sericia (Goodéniacées)
Rennellese PN.NEFU.2A Nehu Be poor-sighted, blurred
Nukumanu PN.TUKI.C T/tuki Midships pegs attaching outrigger float to boom Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn NP.NEWA.B Neeneva Silly, stupid, idiot, fool
Rarotongan NP.NEWA.B Neeneva Foolish, stupid, insane; idiot, fool; insanity, insanely
New Zealand Maori MQ.NEWENEWE Newanewa Smooth and soft Problematic
Hawaiian CE.NIA Nia Calm, smooth (of sea); smooth, round, bald, calm
Tuamotu CE.NIA Nia Smooth (of shore or sea), calm