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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas NP.KIU.2 Kiu Plural marker. Longtemps, jadis (Lch).
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.KIU.2 Kiu Very many, an indefinite number
Rennellese NP.KIU.2 Kiu A thousand fathoms (approximately); ten thousand coconuts; figuratively, any great number
East Futuna SO.KIVA Kiva Flake/splinter of glass/stone. Bout de verre, tesson.
New Zealand Maori SO.KIVA Ki/kiwa/ Scintillate Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian CE.KIWA.2A ʔIwa A fern (Asplenium horridum); Frigate-bird (Fregata)
Hawaiian CE.KIWA.2B ʔIwa Frigate bird
New Zealand Maori CE.KIWA.2B Te moana-nui-a-kiwa Honorific term for the ocean Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu CE.KIWA.2B Kiva Male frigate-bird
New Zealand Maori NP.KIWI.1* Kiwi Apteryx
Mangareva NP.KIWI.1* Kivi(kivi) Bristle-thighed Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis). Oiseau: courlis d'Alaska (Numernius taitensis).
Nukuoro NP.KIWI.1* Givi/givi Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
Rarotongan NP.KIWI.1* ʔUru/kivi/ Feathers marked with grey and white Problematic
Takuu NP.KIWI.1* Kivi General term for shore birds and waders that feed on the ground: Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva), Mongolian Plover (Charadrius mongolia), Wandering Tattler (Tringa incana)
New Zealand Maori PN.KIWI.2 Kiwi Apteryx spp., nocturnal bird spp Uncertain Semantic Connection
Moriori FJ.KO.1 Ko Definite nominal predicate marker
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.KO.1 Ko Preposition marking appositional noun phrases, focused noun phrases, focused noun phrases, predicates and sometimes subjects of nominal clauses...
Tahitian PN.KOO.2C O/o To sound, as water near boiling; flatulency, or griping of the bowels
Hawaiian CE.KOO-.3 ʔOo- Similitude prefix sometimes translated somewhat, -ish
Hawaiian CE.KOO.3 ʔOo Fly (trans.), as a kite
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO.3 Koo Descend, fall from a height, as a bird, kite; sink, as a canoe
Niue PN.KOA.1 Koa Post-posed emphatic particle; indeed, quite
Tongan PN.KOA.1 Koaa Postposed interrogative or emphatic particle . Usually expressing uncertainty, interrogation, or suspense
Easter Island NP.KOA.2 Koa Alegria, gozo; alegrarse, estar contento
Marquesas NP.KOA.2 Koa/koa Joie, plaisir, amusement. Réjouissance; bonheur, contentement; amusant, divertissant; content, joyeux, être heureux (Lch).
Samoan NP.KOA.2 ʔOa/ʔoa Rejoice inwardly , delight, delighted, to be
Tuamotu NP.KOA.2 Kooa Glad, pleased, contented, to be
New Zealand Maori CE.KOATA Koata Crown of stem or young shoots of Cordyline, etc.
Mangareva CE.KOATA Koʔata Espace entre deux planches; planches mal jointes Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian CE.KOATA ʔOata Mamelon (du sein); "oeil" principal d'un coco,qui laisse passage au germe; goulot d'une bouteille
West Futuna AN.KOE A/koe Second person singular pronoun stem
Hawaiian CE.KOO-FAGA.* ʔOhana Family, kin group; related
Hawaiian CE.KOOFAI ʔOohai Monkeypod or Raintree (Samanea saman); native leguminous shrub (Sesbania tomentosa). White monkeypod (Albizia lebbeck) (Ni'ihau) (StJ).
Marquesas CE.KOOFAI Kohai. Ko(o)hai (Ua Huka, Hiva Oa) (Atl). A podded plant (Caesalpinnia pulcherrima) [Swartz]; espèce de plante (Dln). Sesbania speciosa (Atl).
Mangareva CE.KOOFAI Koai Nom d'une herbe. Arbre: le badamier (Terminalia catappa) (Combretacées); espèce de banane (noire à l'intérieur) (Rch).
Rarotongan CE.KOOFAI Koai/ kura A sweet scented plant
New Zealand Maori CE.KOOFAI-KURA Koowhai/ kura (Geum urbanum) and (Pontentina anserina), plants used for scenting oil
Rarotongan CE.KOOFAI-KURA Koai/ kura A sweet scented plant
Mangareva CE.KOOFAO Kohao. Koaʔo (Rch). Diarrhoea; a watery evacuation of the bowels. Selles liquides, diarrhée (Rch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan CE.KOOFAO Kooʔao Bloated, distended, especially of the stomach
New Zealand Maori CK.KOO-FATU.* Koo(w)hatu Stone. General term, except in eastern dialects which retain poo(w)hatu
New Zealand Maori FJ.KOFE.A Kohe A climbing plant (Passiflora tetrandra)
Mangareva CP.SEMA.1 Ko/ema La gauche; travail non à la portée de la main droite; ne pas être à sa main
Samoan FJ.KOFE.A ʔOfe Generic term for bamboo
Marquesas FJ.KOFE.B Kohe Bamboo knife. Genre de couteau fabriqué avec ce bois, couteau en général. Couteau, knife (Atl).
Tikopia FJ.KOFE.B Kofe Knife, steel-bladed (Modern)
Tahitian CE.KOFE-KOFE ʔOheʔohe A grass (Centotheca lappacea) ; like miniature bamboo. Plante (Centothea lappacea) (Lmt).
Marquesas NP.KOFI Kohi Gather. Cueillir, ramasser; récolter la moisson (Lch).
Mangareva NP.KOFI Koʔi Amasser, ramasser, recueillir (usité pour les fruits ou autres objets entassés à terre les uns auprès des autres)
Tikopia NP.KOFI Kofi/kofi Muster, collect