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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.KOKOLO ʔOʔolo Indistinct utterance, hoarse
Tongan PN.KOKOLO Kokolo Rumbling in the stomach or bowels; noise of running water, of rice running out of a bag
Easter Island EP.KOKOMA Kookoma Bowels, guts, intestines
Marquesas PN.KOKO-MI Koko Se presser, se precipiter, aller vite Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori CE.KOOKOPU Kookopu Cockabully, a small, freshwater fish (Galaxias fasciatus)
Rarotongan CE.KOOKOPU Kookopu Small freshwater gudgeon (mainly (Eleotris fusca)
Tahitian CE.KOOKOPU ʔOʔopu Generic term for gobies. Petits poissons de rivière de la famille des Gobidae (Lmt)
Tuamotu CE.KOOKOPU Kokopu Variety of small freshwater fish
Mangareva TA.KOO-KOTA Kokota Excrescence charnue poussant de terre dans les bas de mer. Petit coquillage (Rch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan TA.KOO-KOTA Kokota The pinna, a delicate bivalve
Easter Island EP.KOO-KURU. Mareekooroo Fraxinifolia, a small shrub with ash leaves (J.R.Forster quoted by Langdon JPS 105:185)
Easter Island EP.KOO-KURU. Marikuru Ashwood . (Sapindus saponaria) . White clay
Easter Island EP.KOO-KURU. Marikuku The Sapindus saponaria tree; a white kind of clay Problematic
Marquesas EP.KOO-KURU. Kogú A tree bearing bitter berries
Mangaia CK.KORA.2 Kora/kora A minute particle, grain, atom
New Zealand Maori EP.KORE Kore Cease to be; be gone, absent, lost; used as a sufffix to nouns it forms nouns indicating the absence or lack of what is denoted from the original noun
New Zealand Maori EP.KORE Kore Negative used in verbal constructions with the verbal particles ka, kua, e. Not used as an existential negative
Tahitian EP.KORE ʔOre Etre supprimé, ne plus exister; négation après les les statifs (verbes d'état); verbe au sens négatif
Easter Island EP.KORE-KORE Kokore The moon during the first six nights after the new moon and the five nights after the full moon
Easter Island NP.KOO-LELO Rero/rero To write, to draw (escribir signos, figuras). Write (archaic) (Wbr). Problematic
Tuamotu NP.KOO-LELO Koorero Recite, orate, tell, talk, speak
Hawaiian CE.KOO-REPE ʔOolepe Tear asunder, peel off (as shingles in a gale; turne (as something on hinges
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-REPE Koorepe Split, tear off, rip up; peel
Marquesas NP.KOLI.1A Koʔi. Koʔi/koʔi (Lch). Agiter la queue (en parlant du chien)
Tokelau PN.KOLI.1B Koli Dance (with excitement)
New Zealand Maori NP.KOLI.1A Koni(koni) To move, alter one's position; rub
New Zealand Maori CP.KOLI.2 Kori/kori (Ranunculus insignis), buttercup sp
Pukapuka TA.KOORIGO Koolingo Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus); spirit, supernatural omen Problematic
Pukapuka RO.KOLILI Kolili Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus). (Tringa incana) (Sby).
Tokelau RO.KOLILI Kolili American Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus)
East Uvea OC.KOLO.1 Kolo Fort, forteresse, citadelle, rempart
Rennellese OC.KOLO.1 Kogo Row of posts in cult sites
New Zealand Maori MP.KOLO.2 Koro Intend, desire v
Niue MP.KOLO.2 Kolo To desire, wish, intend. To await an opportunity or an event; to rebel (McE).
Pukapuka MP.KOLO.2 Waka/kolo To intend or want to do
Rarotongan MP.KOLO.2 Koro Intention
Samoan MP.KOLO.2 ʔOlo Prepare to make an attempt
Tikopia MP.KOLO.2 Koro Hesitate, be shy Problematic
Tuamotu MP.KOLO.2 Koro Intend, desire v
Pukapuka PN.KORO.1 Kolo/kolo Throat, double-chin ; loose skin at throat, as in (kotawa) kolokolo kula ("red-throated frigatebird")
Tuamotu PN.KORO.1 Koro Gular pouch of frigate bird, wattles, testes
Easter Island EP.KORO.3 Koro Father (old word). Term of respect or endearment used in addressing or referring to elder men (Wbr).
Hawaiian PN.KOLOA ʔOloa Fine white tapa
West Uvea PN.KOLOA Koloa Richesse; (koloa maaoli: richesses traditionnelles (perles de néphrite, bracelet en coquillage, etc.))
New Zealand Maori TA.KOROI Kooroi/roi Wander idly, be confused, inattentive
Tahitian TA.KOROI Oroi To turn, as the wind to another quarter; to alter the course, as a ship; to be out of perpendicular, as a wall, or a house
Tahitian NP.KOLO-MAKI Faʔa/ʔoromaʔi Patience; supporter, prendre son mal en patience
Takuu NO.SALAPOLU Naa Ruai/saraporu Name of a constellation low in the southern sky: two stars within Crux and two within Centaurus
Rennellese AN.TOKI Te/toki A constellation or star
Nukumanu NO.SALAPOLU Sahalapolu. Nahalapolu (Sar). Constellation: (part of) Centaurus