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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan MP.QATULE Atule Horse mackerel (Trachurops sp.)
Tongan MP.QATULE ʔOtule Horse mackerel (Trachurus), (Selar crumenophthalmus) (Hpr)
West Uvea MP.QATULE Atule Poisson: maquereau, Scombridé
Tokelau PN.AQU Au Reach, get at, have a good range; be matured at birth, be born at full term
Hawaiian PN.QAU.2 Au To weed; rub, massage, polish
Marquesas PN.QAU.3 Auau! Voix d' une personne qui pleure (onom.). Interj. manière de pleurer (1904).
East Uvea MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua Nom de poisson (Guerres acinaces); (Liza macrolepis) when length of index finger
East Uvea MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua/mui (Liza macrolepis) [Smith] when length of hand
Rapa MP.QAUA.1 Aua/re A fish, the small mullet
Rarotongan MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua Small, silvery-grey fish ; (Neomyxus chaptalii) when small
Takuu MP.QAUA.1 Aua Silver Mullet or Sea Mullet (Mugil cephalus) when very small
East Futuna PN.QAUA.2 Aua Exclamation: non! laisse!; ne pas falloir (+*se*) impératif négatif présent; ne plus falloir (+*na*) impératif négatif passé
Niue PN.QAUA.2 Aua Emphatic pre-verbal negation marker for second-person imperatives; do not, don't you dare
Niue PN.QAUA.2 Ua Pre-verbal negation marker for second person imperatives; don't, do not
Nukuoro PN.QAUA.2 Au/de Negative prescriptive aspect marker
Sikaiana PN.QAUA.2 Aua A command not to do something being done, a call mostly to children then their parents want them to stop some activity or prevent an activity
Takuu PN.QAUA.2 Au see Negative imperative marker, don't!
Rennellese PN.QAUEE ʔAue Exclamation "oh!"
Tahitian PN.QAUEE Auee Pleurer, se lamenter; exclamation exprimant la peine, la douleur ou le plaisir
Waya PN.QAUEE Auvee Cry over a trifle, cry for small cause
East Futuna PN.QAU-MAI ʔAumai Apporter, remettre; donne-moi
East Uvea PN.QAU-MAI ʔAumai Apporter
Nuguria PN.QAU-MAI Au-mai Come hither
Nuguria PN.QAU-MAI K/aumai Bring
Nuguria PN.QAU-MAI Kama/i Bitten Problematic
Nuguria PN.QAU-MAI Kama/i te name Bitte, gieb mir etwas Problematic
Luangiua PN.QAU-MAI Aumai Bring
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QAU-MAI Aumai Give, bring
Pukapuka PN.QAU-MAI Aumai Bring
Rennellese PN.QAU-MAI ʔAu mai Give (to the speaker)
Tikopia PN.QAU-MAI Au mai Bring
Tongan PN.QAU-MAI ʔOmai, ʔomi Bring give or send or lend (to me or us)
East Uvea PN.AQU-MOHE Ma/aʔu-moe/ Dormir rellement
Tongan PN.AQU-MOHE Ma/aʔumohe/ Fast asleep
Rapa CE.AUTE Aute Bush, used for making tapa, Broussonetia papyrifera
Tongan MP.AWA Ava Passage, opening. A cove, crevice, creek; a hole; a gap; a streight (Mar).
Waya MP.AWA Cawa Beach or reef below high-tide mark Problematic
Marquesas MP.QAWA Ava Small silvery fish (I), small freshwater fish
Anuta NP.QAAWAGA.A Aavanga To marry; married; wedding
East Futuna NP.QAAWAGA.A ʔAavaga Spouse, marry
East Futuna NP.QAAWAGA.A Aavaga Epoux, mariage, se marier
East Uvea NP.QAAWAGA.A ʔAavaga Mariage, epouse, union
Emae NP.QAAWAGA.A Avaga/ina Marry, be married
Ifira-Mele NP.QAAWAGA.A Avaga Married
Samoan SO.AAVA Ava The wife of a common man
Nukumanu NP.QAAWAGA.A Avana Spouse. Wedding; to marry (Trt).
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.QAAWAGA.A Avanga Spouse; marriage
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.QAAWAGA.A Avanga/ina Consummate (marriage)
Rennellese NP.QAAWAGA.A ʔAabanga Marry, elope, spouse
Samoan NP.QAAWAGA.A Avaga To marry, applied only to the woman