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363 Results matching "mate" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mateguuguu Engourdi, paralysé
Tongan XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mate-nguunguu To be tired out and moaning or groaning with exhaustion; also said of one's hand or arm when stiff or insensate after being lain on or anaesthetized
Niue XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mateguuguu To be physically tired, exhausted, weary
Marquesas AN.MATE.1A Mate Maladie, souffrance, douleur; Eteint, hors d'usage
Marquesas AN.MATE.1A Mate havaiki, mate nui Mort, décédé, expiré
Marquesas NP.SEMO Hemo (i) te mate Malade, sick, ill
New Zealand Maori PN.MATE.1E Mate Calmed down, subsided [ex. moana]
Emae PN.MATE.1E Mate Calm (of sea)
Rarotongan PN.MATE.1E Tai mate Low tide
Mangaia PN.MATE.1E Tai mate Very calm sea
Marquesas PN.MATE.1E Tai mate Mer morte, calme plat. Mer (calme), quiet (sea) (Atl).
Sikaiana PN.MATE.1E Tai m/mate A time when the tide is very low. Fish are trapped in shallow pools in the reef and some die.
Nuguria PN.MATE.1E Mate Calm down (of wind)
Rennellese PN.MATE.1E Mate To be low tide
Tikopia PN.MATE.1E Te ngaru ku mate The waves have died down
Tongan PN.MATE.1E Mate (of wind) To die down, cease
Samoan PN.MATE.1E Mate To die away, of wind
Emae XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mategugu Numbness from drinking kava
Mangareva PN.FAKA-QAFU.1 ʔAkaaʔu. Aʔakaʔu. Akaʔu. Rendre mou un lit avec des matelas, de l'herbe. Offrir, rendre un lit mou, engraisser une terre. Problematic
Niue PN.MATA-MATA Faka/matamata To kindle (traditionally associated with 'small pieces' of kindling materials used to start the 'eye' of a fire)
Mangareva NP.QANU.1 Mate/ʔaka/anu. Fièvre, avoir la fièvre, frissonner
Mangareva PN.MATE-HOGE Mateoge Avoir faim
Marquesas PN.MATE-HOGE Mate i te one Avoir faim
Emae PN.MATE-HOGE Mate re oge Hungry
Niue PN.MATE-HOGE Matehoge To starve
Penrhyn PN.MATE-HOGE Mate oge To be hungry
Tuamotu PN.MATE-HOGE Mateoŋe To be hungry, suffering from hunger
West Futuna PN.MATE-HOGE Mate ta oge To be hungry
Marquesas CE.ROGO.2 Oko/mate (MQN), ono/mate (MQS) Last night of lunar cycle (31- MQN, 30 - MQS)
Tikopia PN.RAQA-KAU.B Rakau Material: wood, timber, stick; in names of building parts and implements
Tongan NP.LAU.1B Mate/lau "Plus one" in counting odd numbers of fish (7 and above)
Niuafo'ou PN.TAA-MATE-A Taamate/ʔi Kill
Tikopia SO.MALIGA Maringa Small pinnules at base of palmate leaf etc.
Anuta PN.MATE.2 Mate/a Maybe, perhaps, probably
Anuta EC.FAKA-MATE Pakamate To commit suicide
Penrhyn AN.MATE.1A Mate Death
Tuamotu TA.TUU-KAU.B Tuukau A social overlord, predominant chief...; a steward, mate; the housekeeper of an *ariki*
Mangaia TA.MAAORO Maaoro Rub, massage, make smooth (of matting material *paapaa*)
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.TAPE.1 Tau/tape Small rectangular apron of plaited material
Hawaiian PN.E.1B ʔEe- Prefix to numerals, inanimate
Rarotongan PN.MATE-GA Matenga Death; a passion, craze
Tuamotu PN.MATE-GA Mateeŋa Death, decease; the act of dying
Mangareva PN.MATE-GA Matega Dead, death; illness
Easter Island PN.MATE-GA Mateŋa Agony; death
Tongan PN.MATE-GA Matenga, mateʔanga Source, origin, reason or cause of death
Niue PN.MATE-GA Matega Habit (tends to refer to bad or hurtful habits); to hurt, to feel pain
East Uvea PN.MATE-GA Matega Mort (n); mourir
Tikopia PN.MATE-GA Matenga Death
West Uvea PN.MATE-GA Matenga Plaie, cicatrice
Ifira-Mele PN.MATE-GA Matega Death