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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rapa OC.PENU.A Penu Large bundle of food, either whole or mashed; package with ti leaves or grass
New Zealand Maori PN.PEWA Pewa Anything bow-shaped, eyebrow, new moon, perch of a kind of bird-snare; raise the eyebrows
Pukapuka PN.PEWA Peva Crescent-shaped (as moon, or tail of Peva fish (Carangoides ferdau)); a protruding part on the edge of an object
Tuamotu PN.PEWA Peva Limb of the new moon
Waya PN.PEWA Bewa (Ridge dividing the two sides of) the roof of a gabled house Borrowed
Hawaiian CE.PII.1 Pii/pii Female `oo`oo bird (Pki Problematic
Pukapuka MP.PII.2A Pii Sprinkle, spray ; ooze, leak, flow . Sprinkle, spray, squirt
Fijian MP.PIA.1 Ya/bia/ Arrowroot, starch
Hawaiian MP.PIA.1 Pia Arrowroot, starch
Kapingamarangi MP.PIA.1 Bia/bia Prepared food, raw soft breadfruit mixed with water
Marquesas MP.PIA.1 Pia. Piʔa (Lch). Piapia (MQN), piapia/u (Ua Huka), pia (MQS) (Atl). (Tacca pinnatifida). Amidon. Arrow-root tahitien (Atl).
Mangareva MP.PIA.1 Pia L'arrow-root (Tacca leontopetaloides). (Taccacées).
Niue MP.PIA.1 Pia Arrowroot plant (Tacca pinnatifida); food prepared from arrowroot
Nukuoro MP.PIA.1 Bie Polynesian arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides) Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua MP.PIA.1 Pia Polynesian Arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides)
Penrhyn MP.PIA.1 Pia Local arrowroot; tapioca; starch
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.PIA.1 Pia Polynesian arrowroot
Rarotongan MP.PIA.1 Pia Polynesian Arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides)
Samoan MP.PIA.1 Pia Arrowroot
Sikaiana MP.PIA.1 Pia Arrowroot
Tahitian MP.PIA.1 Pia Plante, arrow-root tahitien (Tacca pinnatifida ou T.leontopetaloides); amidon, coller à l'amidon
Takuu MP.PIA.1 Pia/kere Arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides)
Tuamotu MP.PIA.1 Pia Arrowroot, starch
Takuu PN.PISI.3 Haka/p/pisi Shoot (e.g. a gun, snap the fingers, tap a coconut to check its contents
Luangiua PN.PISI.3 Pihi Shoot
Penrhyn CE.PIIGAO Piingoo Dragonfly
Fijian PN.PIKI.2 Piki (Arm) crooked [Eastern Fijian Dialect] Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.PIKI.2 Piki (of rope or string) Have a twist or kink that disappears simply by making it taut; (of foot) cramped; (of throat) dry; (of fishing line) tangled
Tuamotu PN.PIKI.2 Hoo/piki Numb, cramped
Fijian MP.PIKO.A Viko Whirlpool Problematic
Kapingamarangi MP.PIKO.A Pika Crooked, bent
Luangiua MP.PIKO.A Piʔo Bent, crooked
Penrhyn MP.PIKO.A Piki Bent, crooked Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka MP.PIKO.A Piko Crooked, bent, not straight
Sikaiana MP.PIKO.A Piko Bent, crooked, curved
Tahitian MP.PIKO.A Pio Crooked or bent
Takuu MP.PIKO.A Piko Bent, crooked, deformed
Tikopia MP.PIKO.A Piko Bent, curved, crooked
New Zealand Maori CE.PIKO.B Piko Bend, stoop
Rarotongan CE.PIKO.B Piko Bow, stoop, bend down
Takuu NP.PILI.1B P/piri Cling to someone, follow around too often or too closely
Rarotongan NP.PILI.1B Piri Close to; join, unite with; closed (of door); choked (of channel) etc.
Takuu MP.PILI.1A P/piri Sticky, tacky; (of cooked swamp taro, etc.); stick to, adhere to; (of a pen) write
Luangiua OC.PILI.2 Moo/pili Gecko
Pukapuka OC.PILI.2 Ngoo/pili A kind of lizard, gecko
Tahitian PN.PILITA Pirita Root of ieie; also a basket made of it . (Dioscorea nummularia)
Tuamotu EC.PI-PISA Pipiha Come out of, issue forth (as from room/house) Problematic
Easter Island EP.PISA.* Piha Room, apartment
New Zealand Maori EP.PISA.* Koo/piha Pit for storing potatoes or taro
Penrhyn EP.PISA.* Piha Room Problematic