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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tahitian PN.POOKAI Pooʔai Pelote ou bobine de fil
Tokelau PN.POOKAI Pookai Stick to wind line on
Tuamotu PN.POOKAI Pookai Coil
Anuta NP.POKE Poke Taro balls of mashed taro and coconut sauce. A type of food made by mixing mashed, baked taro with stone boiled coconut cream and rolling it into balls (A very prestigeous food prepared on important ceremonial occasions) (Fbg).
Mangareva NP.POKE Pooke Breadfruit or taro mixed with coconut milk. Pâte délayée avec du lait de coco
Pukapuka NP.POKE Poke Name of a taro pudding ; pudding of fruit or arrowroot mixed with coconut milk
Hawaiian CE.POO-KERE Pooʔele Black, dark; dark night
Pukapuka CE.POO-KERE Pookelekele Black with rage, furious ; to do something vigorously: eg. extremely fast drumming; Borrowed
Pukapuka CE.POO-KERE Poouli pookelekele Pitch darkness Problematic
Rarotongan CE.POO-KERE Pookere A black dress material
Luangiua PN.POKI.1 Po/poʔi Smooth surface by patting
Pukapuka PN.POKI.1 Poki Smear with oil; bury food for preservation
Kapingamarangi PN.POO-KIA Boogia Held up, caught by a storm
Emae PN.POO-KIA Pookia Catch with cupped hand
New Zealand Maori PN.POO-KIA Pookia Covered over; overtaken. Passive of popoki
Ifira-Mele PN.POO-KIA Pookia Catch by covering with hand
Nukuoro PN.POO-KIA Boogia Be captured, grabbed
Penrhyn PN.POO-KIA Pookia To be overwhelmed
Pukapuka PN.POO-KIA Pookia Grabbed
Rarotongan PN.POO-KIA Pookia Covered, struck by waves, overtaken. Passive of popoki
Samoan PN.POO-KIA Pooʔia Be pounced on
Tokelau PN.POO-KIA Pookia Caught by being covered by hand
Tongan PN.POO-KIA Pookia Be touched (of the eyes) by a spook and so to be injured in a certain way
Tuamotu PN.POO-KIA Pookia Covered over; overflowed; smothered
Niue PN.POKO.2 Poko Depression, hollow; room (modern)
Niue PN.PAKOO Pokoo, pakoo To spank, to hit; to make a knocking noise Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka PN.POKO.3 Poo/poko Wrestling
Tahitian PN.POKO.3 Poo To slap with the open hand on a person's own breast, as wrestlers used to do, giving challenge
New Zealand Maori CE.POKO-SIWI.* Pokowhiwhi Shoulder (Aupoouri dialect WMA)
New Zealand Maori MP.POLA.1 Pora Coarse cloak, floor mat
Niue MP.POLA.1 Pola Plaited coconut leaves (used in various ways, such as mats, walls, door, thatch for the roof)
Luangiua MP.POLA.1 Pola Large carrying kit for food
Luangiua MP.POLA.1 Poola Mats for use in oven
Pukapuka EP.POO-TAKA Pooteka Spinning top Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese MP.POLA.1 Poga Plaited coconut leaves formerly used as house walls or as temple roof....
Sikaiana MP.POLA.1 Pola Roof mats of a house, woven from coconut leaves
Takuu MP.POLA.1 Pora Coconut leaf mat used for walls or roof of a house; mat with food on it, as a formal presentation
Tongan MP.POLA.1 Pola Plaited coconut leaves used for making walls or roof, or as a food-tray; kind of fishing net made of plaited coconut leaves...
Tuamotu MP.POLA.1 Poora Mat of dried Pandanus leaf
New Zealand Maori NP.POLAE Poorae Trumpeter (Latris lineata)
Hawaiian CK.POO-RAGI Poolani Handsome, beautiful, clean, pure Problematic
New Zealand Maori CK.POO-RAGI Poorangi Mad
Samoan PN.POLATA Polata Firewood ; layer of trunk of banana, honorific for firewood
Penrhyn TA.POO-REHO Pooreho Cowry shell spp.
Rarotongan TA.POO-REHO Pooreʔo Cowrie (Cypraea spp.)
Tahitian TA.POO-REHO Pooreho Porcelaine (coquillage) (Cypraea)
Tuamotu TA.POO-REHO Pooreho Variety of sea-shell
Rarotongan NP.POLI.B ʔAre /pori/ A beauty-school where all well-born girls were given special diet, blanching, etc
Easter Island OC.POLO.1 Po/poro/ A berry whose juice is mixed with ashes of tii leaves in tattooing . Planta de la familia umbelifera
Hawaiian OC.POLO.1 Poo/polo/ Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)