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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian NP.LAFI.1 Lahi Thin, frail, delicate
Marquesas NP.LAFI.1 ʔAhi/ʔahi, ʔakiʔaki (MQN), kahi/kahi, ʔaniʔani (MQS) Mince, transparent, clair, svelte, fluet (corps) Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan NP.LAFI.1 Rairai Thin, flimsy (material, paper)
East Futuna PN.LAFI.2 Lafi Se tenir côte à côte
East Futuna PN.LAFI.2 Lafi/lafi Se rapproche du wharf (bateau)
Rennellese PN.LAFI.2 Gahi Hide, concealed, protected
Rennellese PN.LAFI.2 Ga/gahi Protect, shield
Samoan PN.LAFI.2 Lafi Hide, shelter
Tongan PN.LAFI.2 Lafi Keep close to for shelter, protection, to nestle
New Zealand Maori CE.RAFIRAFI Rahirahinga Temple, of head
Mangareva CE.RAFIRAFI Raʔiraʔiga Tempes
Pukapuka CE.RAFIRAFI Lawilawinga Temple of head Problematic
Rarotongan CE.RAFIRAFI Rairai The temples
Rarotongan CE.RAFIRAFI Reirei The temples
Rarotongan CE.RAFIRAFI Raʔiraʔi Forehead, temple (Aitutaki dialect)
Tahitian CE.RAFIRAFI Rahirahia The temples
Tuamotu CE.RAFIRAFI Rahirahiŋa Temple of the forehead
East Uvea PN.LAFO.2 Lafo Espèce de jeu de palet ou on fait glisser les lafo sur une natte; jeter, lancer à plat
Niue PN.RAFO Afo/lau Bivouac, temporary shelter
Niue PN.LAFU.1 Lafu Collective term used in describing group of women or children. Gathering of siblings and other relatives of same generation (Sph).
East Futuna NP.LAFU.2 Lafulafu Stérile (pour la terre) Problematic
East Uvea NP.LAFU.2 Lafu Abondance de cochons ou de kava produite par un tapu
Tokelau NP.LAFU.2 Lafu Restrict consumption to build up resources; area restricted for such purpose
Marquesas EP.RAAFUI.* ʔAhui Prohiber, mettre un interdiction sur
Mangareva EP.RAAFUI.* Raʔui Prohiber (se dit des terres, des rivages, des choses qu'on déclare tabou)
New Zealand Maori CP.LAGA.1A Raanga/i Raised up, elevated
Easter Island NP.LAGA.1B Raŋa To flow; to form a puddle. (Of water from heavy rains or flood) to run together to form a lake. Float (Wbr).
Kapingamarangi NP.LAGA.1B Langa Riding high in the water (canoe)
Mangareva NP.LAGA.1B Raga Swim or float on surface of the water. Surnager, raser l'eau.
Nukuoro NP.LAGA.1B L/laga/ Float (on surface of water)
Takuu NP.LAGA.1B Lana, rana Float, be afloat, buoyant, riding high in the water
East Futuna PN.LAGA.1C Laga Soulever la terre par le moyen d'un pieu
East Uvea PN.LAGA.1C Laga/ te maʔala Creuser la terre pour planter les ignames
East Uvea PN.LAGA.2 Laa/laaga Tisser, tresser des nattes
Marquesas PN.LAGA.2 ʔA/ʔaka (MQN), ʔa/ʔana (MQS) Tresser les nattes, tisser
Niue PN.LAGA.2 La/laga Weave, plait (pandanus or coconut leaves, incl. making crayfish nets and arrowroot filters)
Tikopia PN.LAGA.2 Ranga Plait leaf materials into mat, basket
East Futuna PN.LAGASAU Lagasau Engager fortement, pousser à
Mangareva CE.RAGATIRA Ragatira Landed proprietor. Maître, seigneur, grand propriétaire; tenancier, cultivateur qui dépend d'un chef; capitaine d'un navire
Pukapuka CE.RAGATIRA Langatila Secular leader of a minor paternal descent group ; (NB: Post-constact borrowing) Borrowed
Tahitian CE.RAGATIRA Raʔatira Chef d'une équipe, directeur
Easter Island AN.LAGI.2 Raŋi Sky; cloud; Heaven. Cielo, firmamente, nube (Fts).
New Zealand Maori AN.LAGI.2 Rangi Sky; the ten (or twelve) over-worlds; the head. Weather (Wms)
Marquesas AN.LAGI.2 ʔAki (MQN), ʔani (MQS) Ciel, firmament, paradis; temps, température, climat
Mangareva AN.LAGI.2 Ragi Sky. Ciel, firmament; le temps, la condition atmosphérique
Tahitian AN.LAGI.2 Raʔi Firmament, ciel (au sens de voute céleste); ciel atmosphérique; ciel, paradis
West Uvea AN.LAGI.2 Langi Ciel; temps (atmosphérique)
Nukumanu NO.FAKA-MANATOLO Hamana Tolo Constellation: includes parts of Aquarius and Pegasus
Takuu NO.FAKA-MANATOLO Hakamanaatoro, Haamanaatoro Constellation: four stars within Aquarius forming an inverted Y-shape (lit. like (an ancient canoe's) mast-blocks)...
Emae PN.LAGI-A Raagia Pass briefly through the fire (to soften leaves or straighten wood)