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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.LAGI-A La/lagi Place (esp.) banana or breadfruit leaves on hot stones to make them more supple (and therefore easier to use as wrapping material)
New Zealand Maori CE.RAGI-AATEA Rangi-aatea Name of several houses and places
Tahitian CE.RAGI-AATEA Raʔiatea La principale des Iles-sous-le-vent
New Zealand Maori AN.LAGO.1 Ngaro Fly (insect) western dialect (met.)
New Zealand Maori AN.LAGO.1 Rango Fly (insect) eastern dialect
Takuu AN.LAGO.1 Lano, rano Generic term for the fly
Hawaiian OC.LAGO.2 Lona Block of wood used to support a canoe out of water Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva OC.LAGO.2 Rago Cross-beam. Poutre, grosse pièce de bois qui supporte le plancher
Tahitian OC.LAGO.2 Raʔo Rouleaux pour mettre à l'eau les bateaux
Tikopia OC.LAGO.2 Rango Support, protect, look after; canoe skid, canoe block
Tokelau OC.LAGO.2 Lago Prop, supporter, skid
Marquesas MP.LAI ʔAiʔai. ʔAi(ʔai) (Atl). (Scomberoides sancti-petri). Carangue leurre (Lch). Maquereau chevalier, sauteur sabre; Doublespotted Queenfish (Scomberoides lysan) (Atl).
Anuta MP.LAKA.1 Raka Step over
East Futuna MP.LAKA.1 Laka Go, step
East Uvea MP.LAKA.1 Laka Step outsmartly, etc
Fijian MP.LAKA.1 Laka/wa Take a step
Emae MP.LAKA.1 Raka-ia Step over
New Zealand Maori MP.LAKA.1 Whaka/raka/ Step out
Niue MP.LAKA.1 Laka Step (n); step over something or somebody, overstep (often implies a 'cautionary' or 'ill-advised' action); to mate [exx. of animals]. To step, to cross over (McE).
Nukuoro MP.LAKA.1 L/laga Take a single step
Nukuoro MP.LAKA.1 Laga/laga Put down one foot after another as in walking
Luangiua MP.LAKA.1 Haa/laʔa/ Step over, overtake, beat
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.LAKA.1 Laka(ua) Step over
Pukapuka MP.LAKA.1 Laka To jump; move to front of line ; step on
Rennellese MP.LAKA.1 Gaka Step, move (as to another district)
Rotuman MP.LAKA.1 Laʔa Step
Samoan MP.LAKA.1 Laʔa Step, pass over
Samoan MP.LAKA.1 Laʔa/sia Step over, go beyond
Sikaiana MP.LAKA.1 Laka Cross over, pass, step over; be first, be best, pass (exam); pass (of time)
Takuu MP.LAKA.1 L/laka, raka Pass or step above something without touching
Tikopia MP.LAKA.1 Raka Take a step, step on, over
Tokelau MP.LAKA.1 Laka Step (n,v)
Tokelau MP.LAKA.1 Laka/hia Be stepped over (e.g. it is very bad for a woman to step over a fishing line)
Tongan MP.LAKA.1 Laka Go, walk, especially for a short distance, march, step, proceed; go beyond, past, over
West Futuna MP.LAKA.1 (H)laka To stride; begin to walk (as of a child). Enjamber, poser pied par terre (Rve).
New Zealand Maori PN.LAKA.2 Whaka/raka/ Perform tohi rites
Mangareva PN.LAKA.2 Raka Profaner, traiter sans respect une chose sacrée, un objet de culte. Sacred (I). Soiled, profaned, defiled; to profane, to treat sacred things with irreverence (Tgr). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian PN.LAKA.2 Râa Sacred, consecrated, devoted to a sacred purpose
Waya PN.LAKA.2 Drakwa Decay, rot; be infected, containing mucous or pus Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna PN.LAKA-LAKA Laka(i), lakalaka Se presser vite, promptement; se hâter, hâter, accélérer, franchir
Marquesas PN.LAKA-LAKA ʔAkaaka Léger, leste, agile, prompt, non lourd; aller mieux; planer
Rennellese PN.LAKA-LAKA Gakagaka Step or move on, as with long steps
Tongan PN.LAKA-LAKA Lakalaka Walk quickly, 'step it out', go (or hurry) on ahead
Hawaiian EP.RAAKAU.1 Laaʔau- Night of the moon, eighteenth to twentieth nights (Laa'au Kuu Kahi, Laa'au Kuu Lua, Laa'au Pau)
New Zealand Maori EP.RAAKAU.1 Raakau- Night of the moon, seventeenth to eighteenth nights
Rarotongan EP.RAAKAU.1 Raakau- Sixteenth to eighteenth nights of the moon
East Futuna PN.RAQA-KAU.A Laʔakau Arbre, arbrisseau, plante
Tahitian PN.RAQA-KAU.A Raaʔau Plante ou arbre. A tree; plants, herbs (Dvs).
Tikopia PN.RAQA-KAU.A Rakau Generic term for member of vegetable kingdom -- usually woody plant, including tree, shrub, herb, but not applied to root vegetables or grass
Nuguria PN.RAQA-KAU.B Raakau, laakau Wood (material); log, stick