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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.SOLO-AKI Soloaʔi To pass along, as troops to the seat of war; succeed to a title or possession
East Futuna PN.SOLO-GA Soologa Groupe de gens, lignée d'une famille
East Uvea PN.SOLO-GA Hoologa Succession, suite; descendance
Nukuoro PN.SOLO-GA Soolonga Spouse (rare)
Tahitian PN.SOLO-GA Hooroʔa Don, généreux; donner; prêter Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan PN.SOLO-QI.* Sooloi Wipe, especially face and mouth
Tokelau PN.SOLO-QI.* Hooloi Wipe away, cancel
Waya PN.SOLO-QI.* Sooloi Have fresh coconut oil added (in order to extract more oil by compressing the gratings) Problematic
East Futuna NP.SOMO.2 Somo Grow, shoot, sprout, grow up.
Niue NP.SOMO.2 Homo Excel, surpass, be the best; be nice, look nice Problematic
Takuu NP.SOMO.2 Somo (of vegetation) Grow, shoot, sprout
Mangaia CE.SOPII ʔOopii Gonorrhea
Rarotongan CE.SOPII ʔOopii Gonorrhea
Tahitian CE.SOPII Hopii/pii To be cramped as the foot or arm; to be struck motionless by sudden fear
Tuamotu CE.SOPII Hoopiki Numb, cramped, as a leg; epilepsy, convulsions
Ifira-Mele PN.SOPO.C Sopo (Sun, moon etc.) rise
Niue PN.SOPO.C Hopo/mate Last night of the last quarter of the moon
Takuu PN.SOPO.C Sopo (of the sun or moon) Rise, come up
Tongan PN.SOPO.C Hopo Rise (of sun or moon)
New Zealand Maori OC.SOPU.2 Hoopu/a Depressed, like a cup or trough
Pukapuka OC.SOPU.2 Yopu Descend, swoop down (e.g. of wind); get off a canoe
Rarotongan OC.SOPU.2 ʔOpu Sink (of boat or stone), set (of sun, moon, stars), fade away
East Futuna FU.SOOPUU Soopu S'élever, s'étendre (en parlant de la fumée des cuisines), s'épanouir (en parlant des fleurs du pandanus)
East Futuna FU.SOOPUU Soopuu Poindre; commencer à fleurir; s'élever (fumée) (Sigave)
Rennellese FU.SOOPUU Soopuu Be longer, taller, extend above
Hawaiian FJ.SOSAQA Hoohaa Cowardly, coward, cowardice
Emae FJ.SOSAQA Soosaa Sweat
New Zealand Maori FJ.SOSAQA Hoohaa Wearied with expectations, anxiety, wearisome. Sick of, bored with, annoyed at
Pukapuka FJ.SOSAQA Yooyaa Weary, bothered
Rennellese FJ.SOSAQA Soosaʔa Be noisy, disturb, bother
Sikaiana FJ.SOSAQA Soossa To be anxious, worry
Tikopia FJ.SOSAQA Soo Satiated, had enough, fed up with
Waya FJ.SOSAQA Soosaa Be fully engaged with something, very busy, preoccupied with something; suffer from or with something
East Uvea SO.SOSO.2 Hooho Devenir trop mur (pour le `ufilei, talo, kape)
Ifira-Mele MP.SUA.2 S/sua To root (of pigs)
Nukuoro MP.SUA.2 Sua Root up soil
Tikopia MP.SUA.2 Suua Clear away brush-wood, weeds
Tongan MP.SUA.2 Hua-ʔi Root in earth (of pigs), turn over, lift
Rennellese PN.SUQA.C Suʔa To taste, especially to taste good
Rarotongan EP.SUAKI.* ʔUaki Push or pull open, as a window or sliding door
Pukapuka NP.SUE.1 Yue The balloon fish, Tetrodon [Arothron] meleagris. Globefish (Arothron and Canthigaster spp.) (Sby).
East Futuna NP.SUE.2 Sue Dig, root (as a pig). Fouir (cochon) (intrans.) (Mfr).
Fijian NP.SUE.2 Sue Cooking area in a house Problematic
Emae NP.SUE.2 Sue/sue To root (vi)
Emae NP.SUE.2 Sue/a Root up (vt)
Ifira-Mele NP.SUE.2 Sue/ia Root up, bulldoze
Rennellese NP.SUE.2 Sue Kick gently with top of foot; toss off or away, drive away; be blown down or fall off, as banana flowers; throw, as horse throws rider Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sa'a NP.SUE.2 Sude Root up earth (of pigs)
Sikaiana NP.SUE.2 Sue/i To root as a pig roots in a garden
Marquesas PN.SUELO Hueoo Chant du coq Problematic