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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian NP.TAFA-TOO Kahakoo Steep to, sheer
New Zealand Maori NP.TAFA-TOO Tahatoo Steep to, shelving rapidly (of the shore)
Rarotongan OC.TAFE Taʔe Leak, melt, ooze, trickle
Rennellese OC.TAFE Laghe To float; to carry off, as by rain or sea; to flood, overflow Problematic
Rennellese OC.TAFE Lape/lape To be full of water, as a pool or a calabash Problematic
Hawaiian CE.TAA-FERO. ʔOohelo A small shrub (Vaccinium reticulatum) with small, rounded, toothed leaves and red or yellow berries
New Zealand Maori CE.TAA-FERO. Taawhero A tree (Weinmannia racemosa), with smallish, toothed leaves, reddish when young. Timber reddish and of no use, not even for burning. Eastern dialect ;
Emae EO.TAFI Tafi/tafi Sweep; broom
Nuguria EO.TAFI Tahi/tahi Sweep (vt); broom
Niue EO.TAFI Tafi To sweep; broom; razor. To shave (McE).
Luangiua EO.TAFI Kae/kahi Broom
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.TAFI T(h)ahi/-a Broom; sweep, massage
Rennellese EO.TAFI Tahi/tahi Sweep, brush, broom
Mangaia CK.TAA-FITI.B Taʔiti Scoop-netting
Anuta PN.TAFITO.A Tapito Root, base. The base of an object; basis, source, reason; leader; beginning; to start (Fbg).
Niue PN.TAFITO.A Tefito Tuberous ginger plant (tubers sometimes eaten during times of scarcity). Root of the yellow-flowered ginger (McE).
Nukuoro PN.TAFITO.A Dahido Base, stump, foot of hill
Takuu PN.TAFITO.A Tafito Foot or base of tree or pole; beginning of a story
Samoan NP.TAFITO.C Tafito Root of penis . Prefix to male names in faagogo (Moyle, F"gogo p.21)
West Futuna MQ.TAA-FOA Tafoia Break, crack, chip; open (as canned food, shellfish Problematic
Anuta FJ.TAFU.A Tapu To put wood on a fire so that it will burst into flame, for purpose of cooking etc.
Hawaiian FJ.TAFU.A Kahu Tend oven, make cooking fire
New Zealand Maori FJ.TAFU.A Tahu-na Cook, burn, set on fire
Niue FJ.TAFU.A Tafu To set alight; to add firewood, replenish or refuel (a fire)
Luangiua FJ.TAFU.A Kahu Light, tend (fire); pile wood on fire, make fire
Penrhyn FJ.TAFU.A Tahu Burn, set on fire, firewood
Rarotongan FJ.TAFU.A Taʔu Cook, burn, set on fire
New Zealand Maori EP.TAFUQA Tahua Heap (esp. food); sandhills; courtyard
Marquesas EP.TAFUQA Tohua Sol, place, terre, terrain, place publique. Terrain (de réunion), meeting place. Plancher, floor. Pont du bateau, deck (Atl).
Penrhyn EP.TAFUQA Tahua Floor; covering of canoe, one on the stern, one on the bow
Pukapuka EP.TAFUQA Taua Floor Borrowed
Rapa EP.TAFUQA Taʔua House floor
Rarotongan EP.TAFUQA Taʔua Floor, storey, platform, stage, deck
Tahitian EP.TAFUQA Tahua Plancher (tahua fare), étage, pont de bateau (tahua pahii); champ (de bataille), terrain (de football, d'aviation)
Mangareva EC.TAAFUFU.* Toʔuʔu. Tooʔuʔu (I). Ridgepole (I). Poutre en bois qui va d'un pignon à l'autre et est supporté par le chevronnage
Rarotongan EC.TAAFUFU.* Taaʔuuʔuu Main or lower ridge pole, or ridge of roof
Nukuoro SO.TAGA.3 Tanga Loose, not tight
Rennellese SO.TAGA.3 Tanga To end, as a taboo; free of taboo
Sikaiana SO.TAGA.3 Tana Unrestricted, free from sanctity or taboos
Pukapuka PN.-TAGA.4 -tanga As in monotanga: island-wide feast; nootanga: group of people; wonotanga: ankle, joint
Samoan PN.TAAGAKI Taagaʔi To look out for, as for rocks ahead ; see, look, look at, behold (po.)
Tongan PN.TAAGAKI Taangaki (Of royalty) to look, look up, or pay attention
New Zealand Maori CE.TAGAROA Tangaroa A night of the moon
Tuamotu CE.TAGAROA Tangaroa A series of nights of the waning moon (24-26 or 25-27)
Mangareva CE.TAGAROA Tagaroa-vei (otane) Twenty-seventh night of the moon (Laval)
Rarotongan CE.TAGAROA Tangaroa Series of moon nights, 22nd to 24th
Tahitian CE.TAGAROA Taʔaroa-tahi Twenty-fourth night of the moon
Easter Island PN.TAGA-TAGA Taŋataŋa Limp, slack, loose (of a tooth); to loosen
New Zealand Maori PN.TAGA-TAGA Tangatanga Free of pain; loose, easy, comfortable
New Zealand Maori PN.TAGA-TAGA Maa/tangatanga/ Loose, not firmly secured