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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tahitian PN.LIGO-LIGO Riorio The departed spirit of a person, but particularly the ghost of an infant; to be possessed by a departed spirit
Arosi AN.LIHA A/rite Nit
East Uvea AN.LIHA Liha Lente Problematic
Lau AN.LIHA Lite Nit
Marquesas AN.LIHA ʔIa (MQN), kia (MQS) (Atl). Iʔa (MQN) (Lch). Lente. Lentes de poux (Lch). Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva AN.LIHA Ria Nit. Lentes; oeuf de pou.
Tahitian AN.LIHA Riha Lente (oeuf de pou)
Fijian FJ.LIKA Riko Feel giddy, frightened, paralysed with fear
Rarotongan CE.MA-REKA Mareka Feel pleasure, take pleasure in something, appreciate; pleased, happy....
Mangareva FJ.LIKA Rika Dream (I). S'éveiller et se lever subitement; admirer les qualités d'une personne, les belles choses
Niue FJ.LIKA Lika Fear, be afraid. Watch [for] in terror (McE).
Luangiua FJ.LIKA Haa/liʔa Haunted by a spirit; dream, dread
Penrhyn FJ.LIKA Rika/rika Be afraid of; frightening, frightened, terrible, horrible
Rarotongan FJ.LIKA ʔAka/rika/rika Cause terror
Samoan FJ.LIKA Liliʔa Giddy, unsteady
Sikaiana FJ.LIKA Lika/lika Untame, wild, frightened by humans, as fish or birds are; to avoid out of shame or fear
Tahitian FJ.LIKA Riʔa/riʔa Horreur, peur, horrible, effrayant, être terrifié, avoir peur
Tuamotu FJ.LIKA Ririka To be struck chilly, cold; fear, terror, horn)
East Uvea AN.RIKI Li(ki)liki Petit, mince, exigu, de courte taille
Niue AN.RIKI Iki/iki Small (suppletive plural of tote)
Samoan AN.RIKI Liʔi Scattered in small fragments
Takuu MP.LIMU Rimu Generic term for certain types of seaweeds that grow singly or in clumps but do not send out runners
East Uvea EO.LIKU.1 Liku La partie en arriere d'une terre
Fijian PN.LILA Lila Thin, emaciated
Easter Island PN.LILI.1 Riri Become angry. Hate; anger (Wbr).
Tahitian PN.LILI.1 Riri Colère, mécontentement; être mécontent, être offensé; se fâcher
West Futuna PN.LILI.1 Lih/lili Bad tempered, bad mannered, spoiled. Pleurnicher (Rve).
East Futuna MP.LILI.2 Lili Etre agite, d'une surface liquide
East Futuna MP.LILI.2 Poo/lili/ Rough, of water
Tongan MP.LILI.2 Lili Very rough, to be, stormy (of sea); boil (of water)
East Futuna PN.LILO Lilo Forgotten, lost to memory, hidden
East Uvea PN.LILO Lilo Hidden, forgotten
Tongan PN.LILO Lilo Hidden, unseen; secret, private
Marquesas EP.RIRO ʔIʔo Become. Passer à, échoir à, se répandre (Lch). Steal (Mtu).
Moriori AN.LIMA.A Te/rima, e/rim Five
East Futuna MP.LIMU Limu Seaweed, moss, freshwater algae (i)
East Uvea MP.LIMU Limu Seaweed, moss, freshwater algae (i)
Marquesas MP.LIMU ʔImu Seaweed, moss. Mousse de terre, fougères aux nombreuses variétés... (Lch). Lichen (Atl).
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.LIMU Limu Seaweed, used to make colour for puke-canoe. Type of seaweed rubbed into canoes; produces a white surface as protection against seaworms (Lch).
Tikopia MP.LIMU Rimu Coralline growth on reef used to whiten and preserve wood
New Zealand Maori PN.LINO Rino Twisted cord, eddy
Tongan PN.LINO Lino/aki Make a kind of fishing-net by stringingLeaves on a rope or creeper stem
Tuamotu PN.LINO Rino Wind, wrap round spirally, twisted twirled rope
Niue PN.LIPI.1 Lipi(lipi) Break in pieces, shatter Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu ??.LIPI.2 Koo/ripi/ Warped, twisted, to be
Pukapuka NP.LIPO Lipo/lipo To glisten; oily smooth (of sea) Problematic
Tahitian NP.LIPO Ripo/a Vortex made by the violent running and return of a current
Easter Island EP.RITE Rite To share something in equal parts
New Zealand Maori EP.RITE Rite Alike, equal; corresponding in position, number etc.; balanced by an equivalent, paid for; completed, fulfilled; in readiness
Pukapuka EP.RITE Lite To have no odd shell over (in 6th figure of the game of jackstones) Problematic