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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva PN.FAU-SELE ʔAu Arbre (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Rarotongan PN.FAU-SELE Auere A small tree (Grewia crenata)
Tikopia PN.FEQAO Feao Material object giving spiritual protection (Firth 1967:210)
West Futuna PN.FEQAO Feiao (WFU) Be a companion to (of people and animals)
East Futuna XW.FE-QAU-QAKI Feʔauʔaki Have an affair, have sex. Fréquenter quelqu'un, se fréquenter; fiancés (Mfr).
East Uvea PN.FEFEKA Fefeka Dur; entete; opiniatre
West Futuna PN.FEFEKA Feka Pliable, flexible, tough; thick, viscous (of liquids)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FEGU Veng/ia Blow away Problematic
Tongan PN.FE-QI-TI.* Feichi. Fia-feichi. Copulation, act of generation (Mtn). Venery, venereal desire.
Takuu SO.FEKAU.B Fekau Work, ceremonial obligations
Tikopia SO.FEKAU.B Fekau Work (gen. as opposed to leisure, recreation); traditional ritual performance (with emphasis on routine, energy-demanding activity; church ritual, Christianity, the Gospel
Rennellese PN.FEKE Heke Octopus, octopodia sp.
Marquesas PN.FEKE-FEKE Feʔefeʔe Elephantiasis. Filariose, filariasis (Atl). Borrowed
Penrhyn PN.FEKE-FEKE Hekeheke Elephantiasis
Samoan PN.FEKE-FEKE Feʔefeʔe Warty (of limbs affected by filariasis). Swelling associated with filariasis (McP).
Tahitian PN.FEKE-FEKE Feʔefeʔe Eléphantiasis
Tokelau PN.FEKE-FEKE Fekefeke Filarial fever
Tuamotu PN.FEKE-FEKE Hekeheke Elephantiasis
New Zealand Maori CE.FEKII.A Whekii A tree fern sp. (Dicksonia squarrosa)
East Uvea PN.FEKIQI Fekiʔi Criailler, trépigner, tenir tête à, raisonner Problematic
Tongan PN.FEKIKI Fekeʔikeʔi, fekikihiaki, fakafekiki To quarrel
New Zealand Maori PN.FELA Whe/whera, whera-hia Spread out, open v.t.
Tahitian CE.FEREI.* Ferei An indecent mode of exhibiting the person in a Tahitian dance, applied to both sexes; exhibit, disclose, unfold
Pukapuka SO.FELO.2 Welo A tree (Ficus tinctoria)
Rennellese SO.FELO.2 Hego A tree (Ficus tinctoria)
Samoan PN.FENA Fena Tree sp., Eugenia neurocalyx ; Syzygium sp. Problematic
Takuu NP.FENUQU.A* Fenu/i Loose strand inserted into material being plaited
East Futuna PN.FESI.1 Vesi Large tree, probably Intsia bijuga
East Uvea PN.FESI.1 Fesi Tree from which tapa-cloth beaters made. Probably Intsia bijuga
Fijian PN.FESI.1 Vesi Intsia bijuga
Rotuman PN.FESI.1 Fesi Tree sp.(Insia bijuga) Borrowed
Tongan PN.FESI.1 Fehi (fisi) Hardwood tree (Intsia bijuga)
Hawaiian FJ.FESI.2 Hehi Loathe, repudiate, deny, desecrate
Tahitian AN.FETUQU Fetuu Étoile de mer (Linckia pacifica) (peu usité)
Tahitian PN.FETUQU-QAHO Fetiʔa po’ipo’i, feti’a tataiao Vénus Problematic
East Futuna PN.FE-QUNU Feʔunu Faire une boucle avec une liane ou une ficelle de couleur (pour les colliers)
New Zealand Maori TA.FIA.* Hia Where? (Aupoouri dialect)
Moriori TA.FIA.* Hhia What kind of?
Tahitian TA.FIA.* Hia Where? (Xxx)
Anuta CP.FIA- Pii/pia, pia/pia (arch.) Want, wish, like, desire
East Futuna CP.FIA- Fia- Verbal prefix indicating wish, desire
East Uvea CP.FIA- Fia- Verbal prefix indicating wish, desire
Fijian CP.FIA- Via- Verbal prefix indicating wish, desire
Hawaiian CP.FIA- Hia Desire, want v
Emae CP.FIA- Fia Desire, want
New Zealand Maori CP.FIA- Hia- Desire, want; prefix on a small group of words such as eat, drink, etc
Ifira-Mele CP.FIA- Fia- Desire, want; prefix on a small group of words for basic life processes
Moriori CP.FIA- K/hia tangiti Wanted to cry
Moriori CP.FIA- Hia/ma Drowsy
Marquesas CP.FIA- Hia/moe Dormir, someiller, sommeil