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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Sikaiana PN.LOO-QATA Loata Ant species, larger than loo, black in color and with a painful bite
Takuu PN.LOO-QATA Loata, roata Generic term for the ant
West Futuna PN.LOO-QATA Roata Large black ant sp. Sorte de petite scorpion (pique) (Rve).
New Zealand Maori PN.LOFA.1 Roha/i Disconsolate
Marquesas PN.LOFA.1 Oha Bow down (i). Se baisser, se courber, se pencher en avant, se prosterner (Lch). Pencher, penché; lean, bent over (Atl). Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori PN.LOFA.2 Roha/roha Flutter
Tikopia PN.LOFA.2 Rofa Extended (of wings, etc.)
Tongan PN.LOFA.2 Lofa Cut through the air with outstretched wings; glide swiftly; kite
New Zealand Maori PN.LOFA.3 Roa Large grey kiwi (apteryx hastii) [South Island Dialect] (Wms)
Marquesas PN.LOFA.3 Roha Petrel or Shearwater
Tikopia PN.LOFA.3 Rofa Greater Frigate Bird (Fregata minor)
East Futuna AN.ROFA Lofa Measure by fathoms. Mesurer (un tissu) les deux bras étendus; mesure de tissu, coupon (tissu). Parler en faisant des gestes; pleurer un mort en faiseant des gestes de danse.
East Uvea AN.ROFA Lofa, lo/lofa, lofa/lofa To measure by fathoms. Mesurer par brasses; se tenir par la main.
Tikopia AN.ROFA Rofa Fathom, a measure by complete stretch of two arms
Niue PN.ROFE Ofe/ofe/ Bend carefully; straighten something bent
Tahitian CE.ROFEROFE Roherohe Little red animalcules bred in standing water
Takuu PN.LOFI L/lohi, lo/rohi Flood, inundate
Tongan PN.LOFI Loofi/a Inundated
Rennellese PN.LOGA Gonga/ʔa Do often, go or come often
Samoan PN.MEO Meo Disappointed; disappointment
Kapingamarangi AN.ROGO.1A Rongo Hear, feel, listen
Lau AN.ROGO.1A Rongo Listen
Moriori AN.ROGO.1A Rongo Hear . Obey, attend
Marquesas AN.ROGO.1A ʔOko (MQN), ʔono (MQS) To hear. Entendre, comprendre; écouter, apprendre; sentir par le sens du toucher (Lch).
Mangareva AN.ROGO.1A Rogo Hear. Entendre; comprendre, savoir; apprendre
Luangiua AN.ROGO.1A Loŋo Listen
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.ROGO.1A Longo Hear, listen
Rennellese AN.ROGO.1A Gongo Hear, listen, feel, taste
Rotuman AN.ROGO.1A Rogo Reported, heard of
Sikaiana AN.ROGO.1A Lono To hear, listen, understand; to feel sensation through touch
Tikopia AN.ROGO.1A Rogo Hear, listen, feel
Tokelau AN.ROGO.1A Logo Hear; be felt; tell
West Uvea AN.ROGO.1A Longo-na Entendre, écouter
Marquesas CE.ROGO.2 Oko/mate (MQN). 30e et dernier jour de lune ou mois kanak
New Zealand Maori PN.LOGOAQA Rongoa(a) Preserve, take care of; remedy, protection against illness or death; medicine (mod.) Problematic
Rarotongan PN.LOGOAQA Rongo/rongoaa/ Notorious, of ill repute, infamous
Rennellese PN.LOGOAQA Gongoaʔa Irritated by noise; nervous, nerve-racking noise
Marquesas MQ.ROGOROGO ʔOnoʔono, onoono Bards. Chants païens pour diverses fêtes.
Mangareva MQ.ROGOROGO Rogorogo Chants. Prêtres du culte polynésien, hommes influents, qui faisaient exécuter les danses et les chant aux fêtes et aux obsèques
New Zealand Maori CK.ROGO-NUI Rongonui Celebrated, famous
Kapingamarangi PN.LOHOLOHO Kau/roro/ Flower stem of coconut Problematic
Mangareva PN.LOHOLOHO Rooro(o) Enveloppe ou berceau dans lequel se trouvent la fleur et le régime des jeunes cocos; grappe sèche du cocotier; crâne, toute la partie creuse de la tête; cerveau
Penrhyn PN.LOHOLOHO Rooroo Dry flower stems of the coconut
Pukapuka PN.LOHOLOHO Kau/loaloa Flower stem of coconut Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese PN.LOHOLOHO Gosogoso Bunch or cluster, as of coconuts
Tokelau PN.LOHOLOHO Looloo Stem on which coconuts hang
Tongan PN.LOHOLOHO Loholoho Branching stem on which coconuts are borne
Marquesas PN.LOHU ʔOu Fruit-plucking pole, to hook with a pole. Perche pour cueillir les fruits; cueillir les fruits avec cette perche (Lch). Gauler (les fruits); knock fruit down with a pole (Atl).
Mangareva PN.LOHU Rou Pole for fruit-picking. Petite fourche fixée au bout d'une longue perche pour cueillir les fruits de l'arbre à pain; cueillir (ne se dit qui pour le fruit de l'arbre à pain)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.LOHU Lou Hooked, long stick to get down breadfruits or leaves of breadfruit trees. Main strut from crossbeam to end of middle float (of Te Puke canoe) [Taumako Dialect] (Gge).