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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu PN.TAUMAFA Taumaaha Food (obs.)
Rennellese PN.TAAU-NOA Taunoa Stupid, foolish; be profane and freed of tapu
Tongan PN.TAQO-PATU Taʔopatu A certain part of the roof timbers of a Tongan house
New Zealand Maori PN.TAUPE Taaupe Bend down; bending, stooping; not rigid, yielding, weak; hunchback
Rarotongan PN.TAUPE Taupe Droop; eaves
Rarotongan PN.TAUPE Taaupe Bend something over, cause it to droop
Rarotongan PN.TAUPE Upe Droop Problematic
Tikopia PN.TAUPE Taupe Droop, wilt, hang down
Tuamotu PN.TAUPE Taaupe Lean over (as a tree); slump, droop, fail; become feeble or weak
Pukapuka TA.TAUPOO Taupoo A kind of boil (prob. Rar. borrowing)
Rarotongan TA.TAUPOO Taupoo An ulcer
Tahitian TA.TAUPOO Taupoo Anthrax
East Uvea PN.TAAU-POQOU Taupoou Vierge; virginite
Samoan PN.TAAU-POQOU Taaupoou Virgin village maiden
Pukapuka PN.TAU-SALA Tauyala Good, fine, pleasant Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue XW.SUNI.2 Huni Rangoon creeper (Quisqualis indica); also (Ixora odorata), (Phaleria disperma); clustered flower plants (generic)
Takuu NP.TAU-SINU.* Taesunu, taisunu Tree sp. whose timber is used for stools Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu NP.TAU-SINU.* Toohonu A tree (Tournefortia argentea) Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna MP.TAUTU Taaʔutu Balloonfish
Rapa TA.TAA-WARE Tavare Falsehood
Rarotongan TA.TAA-WARE Taavare Dupe, deceive, fool somebody
Penrhyn PN.TAWA-TAWA Tavatava Scaleless tuna, smooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor)
Samoan PN.TAWA-TAWA Tavatava Bonito when about a foot long
Tahitian PN.TAWA-TAWA ʔOo/tava Bonite, famille des Scombridae (Euthynnus affinis)
Tuamotu PN.TAWA-TAWA Koo/tawa (Euthynnus affinis) (Klawe)
Hawaiian CE.TAA-WERE Kaawele Dance step in which foot moves in half-circle without touching ground
Penrhyn PN.TAA-WILI Takaviri Roll, twist; sprain, dislocate; come off (flesh of cooked fish) Problematic
Tongan PN.TEQE.2 Te/teʔe/ Protrude or ooze out (as toothpaste from a tube)
Sikaiana AN.FUTI.1 Huti/huti Pluck out, as plucking the feathers of birds in preparation for cooking
New Zealand Maori CE.TEFA.1 Tewha/tewha An axe-like wooden weapon brandished in speech-making
Tahitian CE.TEFA.1 Tefa/tefa To look repeatedly at one's dress from conceit
New Zealand Maori OC.TEFE Kauae tehe Woman with tattooed chin
Kapingamarangi PN.TEGA.1A Denge Knot in wood; lump on a tree trunk
Mangareva CE.TEGA.3 Tega Avoir le ventre gonflé de nourriture. A belly distended with much food (Tgr).
Tahitian CE.TEGA.3 Tea/ai To nibble at the food and not eat it Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu CE.TEGA.3 Teŋa Soothed, assuaged, quenched (of thirst)
Rennellese FJ.TEI.2 Teʔi/too, teʔi/oo To have just, for the first time Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian CE.TEKA.2A Keʔa Dart, bow, shoot with bow and arrow
Hawaiian CE.TEKE.1 Keʔe Crooked
Pukapuka FJ.TEKE.2 Teke Lean on, rest against; wooden back-rest
Waya FJ.TEKE.2 Teqe Set or stand on a support (tr. and intr.); be put on to cook
Marquesas FJ.TEKE.3 Teʔe Raw, not cooked, green (of fruit). Cru, raw [of fish] (Atl). Problematic
New Zealand Maori NP.TEKI.1 Hii/teki/ Hop on one foot
Pukapuka NP.TEKI.1 Teki Hop on one foot; to rise Problematic
Tongan PN.TEKI.2 Teki Move head or look up suddenly; wince, start with fright; sit up and take notice
Hawaiian PN.TELE.1 Kele Scrape cooked taro with a shell
Sikaiana SO.TELE.3A Tele Run; travel by foot along the reef between the main island {Hale} and the small islands on the western side of the atoll {Muli Akau}
New Zealand Maori CE.TEO Teo Stake, mooring-post Problematic
Hawaiian PN.TEPA Kepa Look sideways; cut obliquely
Samoan PN.TEPA Tepa Look at, glance