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3702 Results matching "aka" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Anuta MP.AFE.1A Paka/ape/ To bend something into hook shape
Emae MP.AFE.1A Faka/afe/ Deviate, turn aside v.i.
Rennellese PN.AFU.2 Haka/ahu/ Let grow, as volunteer papayas
Tikopia PN.AFU.2 Faka/afu/ Tend, as a plant Problematic
Tikopia NP.AAFUA Faka/afua Form (Drd)
Luangiua PN.QAAFUA Maka/ahua Sandy spit
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.FAKA-FUA Hakahua Small waves
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.FAKA-FUA Fakafua Waves, tide rip
Tikopia NP.QAO-ATEA Faka/oatea "Nooning", technical term for gift of food from household of mother' s lineage to household of father' s lineage in celebration of childbirth, initiation, etc. "noonday rite"
Easter Island AN.AKA.A Aka Root
East Futuna AN.AKA.A Aka Root
East Uvea AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Fijian AN.AKA.A W/aka/ Root
New Zealand Maori AN.AKA.A Aka Small root
Marquesas AN.AKA.A Aka. Aaka (Mtu). Racine. Root.
Mangareva AN.AKA.A Aka, aʔa Root
Nuguria AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Penrhyn AN.AKA.A Aka Root; sprout
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.AKA.A Aka (pl. vei/aka) Root
Pukapuka AN.AKA.A Aka Root of a plant or tree
Rarotongan AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Sikaiana AN.AKA.A Pati/aka Root
Takuu AN.AKA.A Aka Lateral root of a tree or plant
Tokelau AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Tongan AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Tuamotu AN.AKA.A Aka Small root
West Uvea AN.AKA.A Aka Racine
East Futuna RO.AKA.B Aka A vine, perhaps Pueraria
Fijian RO.AKA.B Y/aka A creeper (Pachyrrhizus tuberosus)
New Zealand Maori RO.AKA.B Aka Metrosideros spp. that begin life as climbing vines
Ifira-Mele RO.AKA.B Aka Creeper sp., probably (Pueraria lobata)
Niue RO.AKA.B Aka Creeper, Kudzu Bean (Pueraria thunbergiana)
Rennellese RO.AKA.B Aka A bush vine (Pueraria triloba) with long roots, eaten in times of shortage
Tikopia RO.AKA.B Aka Root of (Pueraria lobata)
Tongan RO.AKA.B Aka Kind of leguminous creeper whose root is eaten when better food is scarce. (Pueraria lobata) (Whr).
West Uvea RO.AKA.B Aka Magnagna (Pueraria sp.)
East Futuna PN.QAKA ʔAka Kick. Donner des coups de pied
East Futuna PN.QAKA ʔAkasi Donner un coup de pied
East Uvea PN.QAKA ʔAka/hi Donner un coup de pied
Emae PN.QAKA Aka/sia Step on
Niue PN.QAKA Aka Kick, push around with feet
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QAKA Aka/i-a Tread, stamp
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QAKA Aka/ia Kick (with the sole)
Pukapuka PN.QAKA Aka Kick, stamp
Rennellese PN.QAKA ʔAka Push over, heel over
Takuu PN.QAKA Aaka/si Kick something with the sole of the foot; (of leg) kick out; extend in kicking motion
Tikopia PN.QAKA Aka/si Kick down, press down with feet
Tongan PN.QAKA ʔAka Kick
Tongan PN.AKA-TASA Akataha A leguminous vine or creeper with a taproot . (Rorippa somentosa)
Hawaiian CE.ARA-FATA Alahaka Plank bridge, trestle, ladder