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97 Results matching "holo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Kapingamarangi PN.QALELO Holole Tongue Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.FOLA Holo/ia, fola/ia Spread out, roll out (vt)
Kapingamarangi PN.FOLO Holo Swallow
Nukuoro PN.FOLO Holo Swallow v
Luangiua PN.FOLO Holo Swallow
Sikaiana PN.FOLO Holo Swallow
Hawaiian PN.GAASOLO.A Naaholo Flee (of several), run away
Tongan PN.GAASOLO.A Ngaholo Sail swiftly (of clouds/boats)
Tokelau SO.GASOLO.*B Gaholo Be on the point, tend to, gradually becoming
Tokelau SO.GASOLO.*B Gaaholo (Crowd, fleet, etc.) move forward in a body
East Futuna NP.GETI.2 Geti A kind of sea-slug ? . Sorte de holothurie (beche de mer)
Tongan PN.SOLO-QI.* Holo. Holo-holo. Holoi. Friction, rubbing; a rag. A towel, to scrub. To chafe, to wipe.
New Zealand Maori PN.KA.1 Ka(a) Inceptive aspect marker. Vowel length morphologically conditioned
Mangaia CE.KUU.1 Kuu (Holocentris) and (Myripristis) spp.
East Uvea PN.LOHOLOHO Loholoho Grappe des cocos sans ses fruits Borrowed
Niue PN.LOHOLOHO Loholoho Stalk on which the coconut grows
Tongan PN.LOHOLOHO Loholoho Branching stem on which coconuts are borne
East Futuna CP.LOLI Loli Holothuroidea (i)
East Uvea CP.LOLI Loli Holothuroidea (i)
Fijian CP.LOLI Loli Sea-slug, holothuria
Hawaiian CP.LOLI Loli Sea-slug, sea-cucumber, beche de mer (Holothuria spp.)
Marquesas CP.LOLI ʔOʔi, koki (Fatu Hiva) (Atl). Holothuries. Sea slug (Atl). Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva CP.LOLI Rori Sea-slug, holothuria. Tripang, bêche-de-mer
Rapa CP.LOLI Mo/rori, mo/rari Holothurian
Rotuman CP.LOLI Rori Sea-slug, holothuria b Borrowed
Samoan CP.LOLI Loli A sea-slug (Holothuria). Kind of edlble sea-cucumber (Holothuria sp.) (Mnr).
Tahitian CP.LOLI Rori Holothurie (Holothuria sp.)
Tikopia CP.LOLI Rori A type of Holothurian
Tuamotu CP.LOLI Rori Sea-slug, holothuria
West Futuna CP.LOLI Loh/loli Sea slug. Holothurie noire (Rve).
Kapingamarangi RO.MALAU.1 Malau/-pungu Holocentrus assensionis
Samoan RO.MALAU.1 Malau (Holocentrus spp., Myripristis spp.); Soldierfish (Myripristris violaceus) (Sam. Fishes)
Takuu RO.MALAU.1 Marau General term for squirrelfish (Holocentridae sp.)
Tokelau RO.MALAU.1 Malau Fish spp. of genera (Holocentrus, Adioryx, Myripristus, Flammeo)
West Futuna RO.MALAU.1 Marau Soldierfish (Adioryx caudimaculatus and other spp.) Holocentrum [Sargocentron] spp. (Rve).
Fijian CE.MANU-FIRI Manu ciri Wandering bird (Mythological) Problematic
Tongan OC.SOLO.2A Ho/holo To grind
East Uvea OC.SOLO.1 Holo Collapse, cave in
Hawaiian OC.SOLO.1 Holo Landslide
Tokelau OC.SOLO.1 Holo Landslide, slip; slide, collapse, go to pieces
Tongan OC.SOLO.1 Holo Collapse, cave in
Tongan OC.SOLO.2A Holo Grind kava (with teeth or stones)
East Uvea OC.SOLO.2A Holo Mâcher, râper (en parlant du kava)
Niue OC.SOLO.2A Holo To grate. Grind, grate taro (McE).
Hawaiian PN.SOLO.3 Holo Run; sail, ride, go
Niue PN.SOLO.3 Holo Move fast, speed (v); float swiftly
Kapingamarangi PN.SOLO.4 Holo/agi To bustle about (many people)
Tokelau PN.SOLO.4 Holo Procession, parade; move in procession. All about, everywhere, up and down
Tongan PN.SOLO.4 Holo Pass along in a continuous stream, follow one another in close succession, (shellfish) come out onto sand or rocks in large numbers, (people) go or come one after another with gifts. Adv. Here and there, in various places, hither and thither, in various directions
Hawaiian NP.SOLO.2B Holo A long bundle, as of hard poi