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45 Results matching "nono" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Sikaiana CP.GOGO.1 Nono (Anous stolidus)
Hawaiian PN.GOGO.2 Nono Oozing, seeping out (as water in the sand)
Takuu PN.GOGO.2 Non/nono Part of the body (Brain ?) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta AN.MAANAWA.1 Maanava, maanoa, manonoa Breath, to rest
Hawaiian PN.MANONO Manono All spp. of (Gouldia) genus, small trees or shrubs belonging to the coffee family
New Zealand Maori PN.MANONO Manono A small tree (Coprosma australis)
Mangareva PN.MANONO Manono Tronc sec du nono. The dry trunk of the %nono| tree (Tgr) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MANONO Manono A small tree, (Tarenna sambucina)...
Tahitian PN.MANONO Manono A tree (Tarenna sambucina)
Anuta OC.NOFO Nopo (pl. nonopo) Sit, dwell, be alive
New Zealand Maori CE.NONO.2* Nono/kia A shrub (Pomaderris apatela) Problematic
Marquesas CE.NONO.2* Nono Espece de plante odoriferante
Rarotongan CE.NONO.2* Nono The aboriginally introduced Indian Mulberry (Morinda citrifolia)
Tahitian CE.NONO.2* Nono Petit arbre aux fruits nauséabonds, dont les feuilles servent à envelopper et aromatiser le poisson cuit au four (Morinda citrifolia)
Tuamotu CE.NONO.2* Nono (Morinda citrifolia)
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.NOO-GIA Nono Beg for something
East Futuna MP.NONO.1 Nono Nom d'un petit moucheron blond, roux
East Uvea MP.NONO.1 Nono Small flying insect
Marquesas MP.NONO.1 Nono Petit moustique de jour; stimuli. Sandfly (Bgs). Moustique, mosquito (Ua Pou, MQS). Moucheron, biting midge. (Atl). Musketoes (Crk).
Niue MP.NONO.1 Nono Small beetle
Penrhyn MP.NONO.1 Nono Small night bug
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.NONO.1 Nono Fly . A small fly
Rennellese MP.NONO.1 Nono Kind of small fly as on rotten bananas
Samoan MP.NONO.1 Nono Name of a white ant when, being winged, it swarms
Tikopia MP.NONO.1 Nono Fruitfly
Tongan MP.NONO.1 Nono Fruit fly
Mangaia CE.NONO.2* Nono Indian mulberry (Morinda citrifera)
Mangareva CE.NONO.2* Nono Petit arbre (Morinda citrifolia) (Rubiacées)
Nukumanu CP.GOGO.1 Nonoo Booby
Tupuaki CE.NONO.2* Nono Morinda citrifolia
Takuu EP.RORO.1 Non/nono Human brain; edible meat inside the head of a fish Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana EO.NOO-GIA Kai/nono To beg for food, goods or money (usually demeaning)
West Futuna SO.FATI-GA-LEQO Ponono/fatSiŋireo (ANI) A gasp
Nuguria CP.GOGO.1 Nono Bird sp., Noddy
Nuguria PN.PAGOGO Panono A kind of mangrove fish
Hawaiian PN.GOGO.4 Nonoo To snore, gurgle Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.GOGO.2 Hatu/nono Breast, udder (when full or firm with milk) Phonologically Irregular
Tokelau MP.NONO.1 Nono Small black flying insect about the size of the sand-fly...
Nuguria CP.GOGO.1 Te/nono Brown noddy
Niue PN.FANOGO.A Fenono Silence (of a person) Problematic
Niue PN.FANOGO.A Faka/fenono To be silent Problematic
Niue PN.FAKA-LOGO Faka(no)nono To be silent Phonologically Irregular
Anuta PN.NOU.1 Nono, nounou Short
Marquesas MP.NONO.1 Tu/nono Taches diverses sur la peau (naevi) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu MP.NONO.1 Nono Small flying insect