Entries from Crook 1998 in Pollex-Online

Crook, W. P., S. Greatheed, et al. (1998). An essay toward a dictionary and grammar of the Lesser-Australian language, according to the dialect used at the Marquesas (1799). Auckland, The Institute of Polynesian Languages and Literatures.

Language Item Description
Marquesas Éiya Here! here it is
Marquesas Éiyo To pass in, or out of sight; to obtain
Marquesas Énnu/ánnu Spittle
Marquesas Fà/fáttu To double a cloth
Marquesas Fafé To clothe, or dress; a bundle tied up in cloth or leaves
Marquesas Faifái, haihái A boil or abcess
Marquesas Fáou To contain
Marquesas Fefé, hehhe A net of cocoa nut fibres for catching turtle
Marquesas Fettu/tóu An anchor
Marquesas Féyo To twist; to make line or cord
Marquesas Fíeta, híeta To mock or deride
Marquesas Gotéyo A kind of cucumber
Marquesas Há átta To spy
Marquesas Haha/ví The cotton shrub
Marquesas Háike To retreat, to ebb; a purge
Marquesas Ha/navve/návve Diverting, entertaining
Marquesas Ha/tàpéiyu A Chief Woman
Marquesas Háu-aue To wipe, to rub, to wash by rubbing
Marquesas Hávva To befoul with blood or an excrement
Marquesas Hei An ornament for the neck, of a spermwhale's tooth, or of something fragrant
Marquesas Héke A mallet for cloth-making
Marquesas Hekkakí Ornaments of shell or ivory for the ears
Marquesas Hekkátta A looking glass or a telescope
Marquesas Hekke/úna A horse
Marquesas Henánno A species of the prickly palm
Marquesas Hepa Crooked, awry; to flinch
Marquesas Heva The neighbouring vallies; toward them, in distinction from sea-ward or in land (THT). Yonder, or at the Windward Islands (NHV).
Marquesas Honuhónu Rancid; a rank smell Problematic
Marquesas Hópe The end, or rump; a bird's tail; a coward
Marquesas Hopé Tired, fatigued
Marquesas Ho/téko To swallow
Marquesas Hou/néi Lately
Marquesas Hóuupo. Hou bu (Rbs). The heart
Marquesas Húa To tack a ship; to change the mind, to go or come back
Marquesas Huóna A son-in-law or daughter-in-law
Marquesas Í/ma No (in pronouncing the first syllable the tongue is thrust out) Problematic
Marquesas Kaávva A round log serving as a beam along the front of a house
Marquesas Káhha A kind of spell, or charm; also the disease supposed to be inflicted thereby Borrowed
Marquesas Káhhúa Lard
Marquesas Tou kahhúa Fat of the kidneys
Marquesas Káhhú/a A wound by being bit
Marquesas Kai An invitation to a feast
Marquesas Kaiá A stone; a stone pestle
Marquesas Kaikai Black, blue, green, any dark colour
Marquesas Káiu To touch, to shake
Marquesas Kaké The neck; the appetite
Marquesas Kaúaeiu, ouwáiu A woman's garment used as a petticoat
Marquesas Kavéte The barb of a fish hook
Marquesas Keke/áite To tremble
Marquesas Kei Foreign