Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online
Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.
Language | Item | Description |
Easter Island | Pa/pae | Door, shield, stone or rug used as a door Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Moiko/iko, mokiro/kiro | Evening; to get dark Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Aáno | Bulky, large, voluminous, wide; to enlarge, to widen Borrowed |
Easter Island | Haŋa | Want, desire, love, hope |
Easter Island | E...ee | Interj. de vocativo, a la cual se le intercala el substantivo |
Easter Island | Piri | Juntarse, unirse, juntar, unir; encontrarse (personas en el camino). Full, complete, replete; meet (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Miro | To encircle, surround, turn around |
Easter Island | Momo | Edible part of yam |
Easter Island | Ta | Contracted article formed from /te/ + /a/... |
Easter Island | Mai | From |
Easter Island | Etahi ~ etahi/etahi | Each one, every single one. Indefinite article, adj. one. Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Taaku | First pers. sing. series A, of the poss. adj.: my |
Easter Island | A a/na, o o/na | Third person singular possessive pronoun, his hers |
Easter Island | Taŋaroa | Name of a hill |
Easter Island | Rará | Harsh, rough Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Amoŋa | Atado, haz; hacer un atado |
Easter Island | Hetuʔu ahiahi | Lucero de la tarde |
Easter Island | Hetuʔu abe | Cometa |
Easter Island | Manu | Kite |
Easter Island | Matariki | File; tool |
Easter Island | Po/poʔi | Unlucky or ill-omened place where several persons have died in a short space of time, e.g. a whole family, a place which must be avoided because it exercises an evil influence which causes the death of those who live there Problematic |
Easter Island | Horo/horo | Polish, rub wood |
Easter Island | Ohirohiro | Remolino, tromba |
Easter Island | Pa/paku | Dead, corpse; be thin, lean |
Easter Island | Poro | Muesca [notch] |
Easter Island | Poro/poro | Sin filo, por causa de tener varias muescas [blunt due to too many notches] |
Easter Island | Taʔia | To beat, to pat someone's back (obs.) |
Easter Island | Turivaʔe | Knee |
Easter Island | Iri | Subir "por una cosa", o seá, por encima de ella, y quedar encima de ella (p.ej. embarcar); ir (cuando el lugar a que nos dirigimos está a mayor altura que el punto de partida |
Easter Island | Aro/aro | Lining; to line; to put the ceilings in a house |
Easter Island | Maŋamaŋa | Bifurcation; branching off |
Easter Island | Baaʔ/bá | Insultar Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Ba/bá | Eco, resonancia; resonar |
Easter Island | Kura | Lo escogido; lo mejor de una cosa [choice; the best of anything] |
Easter Island | Totoro | Gatear; ir de cuatro patas |
Easter Island | Poro/poro | Blunt, due to many indentations |
Easter Island | Koreŋa | Carestía; lackness, scarcity |
Easter Island | (A)b/(a)ái | Conceder, dar, donar, entregar, obsequiar, prestar, regalar. To concede, deliver, to gift, give, grant, lend, present |
Easter Island | Kaiŋa toa | Waste from the sugar cane given to animals as food |
Easter Island | Kaiŋa | Food, nourishment, nutrition |
Easter Island | Matamata ika | Hail (n) |
Easter Island | ʔOka | Digging-stick (Bck); lever, stick; to plant |
Easter Island | Oma/oma | Demacrado; enflaquecido; flaco. Disfleshed; lean; meagre. |
Easter Island | Oho | To attend; get away, go (away)... |
Easter Island | Uoke | A supernatural being who traditionally traveled about the Pacific, destroying islands with a gigantic lever; he is said to have broken his lever at Easter Island and thus been unable to destroy it (Egt 1970:182) |
Easter Island | Hue | Amontonar; dejar varias cosas juntas. To accumulate, heap, leave several things together |
Easter Island | ŋaoho | Name of the bush Caesalpinia bonduc... |
Easter Island | ŋo/ŋoro | Banquete, festejo, festival |
Easter Island | Hiri/toke | Pavimento delante de las cases (antig.). Pavement in front of the old houses. |
Easter Island | Haka/keba | To aim with a weapon, closing one eye |