Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online

Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.

Language Item Description
Easter Island Pa/pae Door, shield, stone or rug used as a door Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Moiko/iko, mokiro/kiro Evening; to get dark Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Aáno Bulky, large, voluminous, wide; to enlarge, to widen Borrowed
Easter Island Haŋa Want, desire, love, hope
Easter Island E...ee Interj. de vocativo, a la cual se le intercala el substantivo
Easter Island Piri Juntarse, unirse, juntar, unir; encontrarse (personas en el camino). Full, complete, replete; meet (Wbr).
Easter Island Miro To encircle, surround, turn around
Easter Island Momo Edible part of yam
Easter Island Ta Contracted article formed from /te/ + /a/...
Easter Island Mai From
Easter Island Etahi ~ etahi/etahi Each one, every single one. Indefinite article, adj. one. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Taaku First pers. sing. series A, of the poss. adj.: my
Easter Island A a/na, o o/na Third person singular possessive pronoun, his hers
Easter Island Taŋaroa Name of a hill
Easter Island Rará Harsh, rough Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Amoŋa Atado, haz; hacer un atado
Easter Island Hetuʔu ahiahi Lucero de la tarde
Easter Island Hetuʔu abe Cometa
Easter Island Manu Kite
Easter Island Matariki File; tool
Easter Island Po/poʔi Unlucky or ill-omened place where several persons have died in a short space of time, e.g. a whole family, a place which must be avoided because it exercises an evil influence which causes the death of those who live there Problematic
Easter Island Horo/horo Polish, rub wood
Easter Island Ohirohiro Remolino, tromba
Easter Island Pa/paku Dead, corpse; be thin, lean
Easter Island Poro Muesca [notch]
Easter Island Poro/poro Sin filo, por causa de tener varias muescas [blunt due to too many notches]
Easter Island Taʔia To beat, to pat someone's back (obs.)
Easter Island Turivaʔe Knee
Easter Island Iri Subir "por una cosa", o seá, por encima de ella, y quedar encima de ella (p.ej. embarcar); ir (cuando el lugar a que nos dirigimos está a mayor altura que el punto de partida
Easter Island Aro/aro Lining; to line; to put the ceilings in a house
Easter Island Maŋamaŋa Bifurcation; branching off
Easter Island Baaʔ/bá Insultar Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Ba/bá Eco, resonancia; resonar
Easter Island Kura Lo escogido; lo mejor de una cosa [choice; the best of anything]
Easter Island Totoro Gatear; ir de cuatro patas
Easter Island Poro/poro Blunt, due to many indentations
Easter Island Koreŋa Carestía; lackness, scarcity
Easter Island (A)b/(a)ái Conceder, dar, donar, entregar, obsequiar, prestar, regalar. To concede, deliver, to gift, give, grant, lend, present
Easter Island Kaiŋa toa Waste from the sugar cane given to animals as food
Easter Island Kaiŋa Food, nourishment, nutrition
Easter Island Matamata ika Hail (n)
Easter Island ʔOka Digging-stick (Bck); lever, stick; to plant
Easter Island Oma/oma Demacrado; enflaquecido; flaco. Disfleshed; lean; meagre.
Easter Island Oho To attend; get away, go (away)...
Easter Island Uoke A supernatural being who traditionally traveled about the Pacific, destroying islands with a gigantic lever; he is said to have broken his lever at Easter Island and thus been unable to destroy it (Egt 1970:182)
Easter Island Hue Amontonar; dejar varias cosas juntas. To accumulate, heap, leave several things together
Easter Island ŋaoho Name of the bush Caesalpinia bonduc...
Easter Island ŋo/ŋoro Banquete, festejo, festival
Easter Island Hiri/toke Pavimento delante de las cases (antig.). Pavement in front of the old houses.
Easter Island Haka/keba To aim with a weapon, closing one eye