Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online

Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.

Language Item Description
Easter Island Hao Bury, plant Problematic
Easter Island Ha/hata Ablerto, hueco, vacio
Easter Island Hatu Weave a hat or a rug
Easter Island Haa/hatu Fold, pleat
Easter Island Ha/hatu To fold, to pleat
Easter Island Hatu Big lump, clod, mound
Easter Island Hatuʔa Belt, girth
Easter Island Hatuŋa Woven reed used in old times to cover the huts
Easter Island Paatiri Trueno. Thunder. Borrowed
Easter Island Haʔu Headgear. Hat, cap (Wbr).
Easter Island Hee Where?
Easter Island Heke Octopus
Easter Island Hero/hero Crimson, red, carmine
Easter Island Henua Country, earth, ground
Easter Island Hihi Knotted
Easter Island Hihi/hihi Twist, lace; entangled, difficult to understand
Easter Island Hihi Eyebrow
Easter Island Hia How many? How much? (Wbr).
Easter Island Hiro One of the first three nights of the moon (Grn. 1985)
Easter Island Hinarere Great grandchild . Bisnieto
Easter Island Hitu Seven
Easter Island Hou Hole, breach; bore, drill, perforate, pierce
Easter Island Hoki Return
Easter Island Hoki More, also; to repeat a former action
Easter Island Hore To cut, mow. Line (Wbr).
Easter Island Horo Glut, gobble, suck, swallow
Easter Island Hono Patch, add, darn, mend. Knot by joining two ropes etc. (Wbr).
Easter Island Hotu One of Buck's middle period nights of the moon (Grn. 1985)
Easter Island Hoʔou New
Easter Island Hua Testicles. Penis (Wbr).
Easter Island O/hua First night after the first quarter of the moon
Easter Island Hue Gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris; pumpkin
Easter Island Huha(a) Ham, muscle, thigh
Easter Island Huhu Worm-eaten
Easter Island Huŋa Fine dust
Easter Island Huʔa To grind very finely . from TAH Problematic
Easter Island Huŋavai Parent-in-law
Easter Island Hura/hura Dance
Easter Island Huru Costume; situation; character, manner, conduct. Way, manner (of being, characteristic) (Wbr).
Easter Island Huruhuru Hair
Easter Island Hunoŋa Yerno, nuera. Son/daughter in law (Wbr).
Easter Island Huti Manejar el kupe9a, el jefe de la pesca, la persona que dirige las maniobras en la pesca con kupe9a
Easter Island Footee Banana [Forster 1774] (Langdon & Tryon 1983:31)
Easter Island ŋa Prefix used with nouns to indicate plurality
Easter Island ŋaʔaha Reventar; quebrarse; haber derrame (de sangre) . Crack, crevice, fissure; explosion; break, burst, crack, split, explode. Break (by shattering?, e.g. a bottle, window, cup, gox, table, etc.) (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Nako Marrow Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island ŋarahu White powder or dust used in tattooing
Easter Island ŋarara Ant-lion; cockroach ; beetles (Métraux 1937:54)
Easter Island Nari/nari Máscara que usaban antiguamente en algunas fiestas Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island ŋaro Desaparescer, perderse de vista una, persona o cosa... Lose (Wbr).