Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online

Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.

Language Item Description
Easter Island ŋao Neck of a bottle, nape of the neck
Easter Island ŋaʔehe Noise; great and continuous noise
Easter Island ŋaʔehe/ʔehe A plant (Crotolaria striata). Dry seeds in the shell produce a peculiar noise when the branches sway
Easter Island ŋaaʔatu (Scirpus riparius), var. Paschalis
Easter Island ŋee/ŋee Plural of 9ee to sound
Easter Island ʔIiʔiita Papaw (Ldn) from TAH Borrowed
Easter Island ŋiʔo/ŋiʔo Garment, rag, tattered Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island ŋoro/ŋoro Growl, grunt, grumble
Easter Island ŋuu To recite by singing
Easter Island ŋuŋu/ŋuŋu Eat raw food or fruit
Easter Island ŋutu Beak, bill; lip, mouth
Easter Island Aha What?
Easter Island ʔAŋahuru Ten Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Aai Who?
Easter Island Aku Fish (Chrysophrys aurata)
Easter Island Hami Bathing suit, breeches, drawers, trunks . Loincloth
Easter Island Eke Climb, embark, mount
Easter Island Haka/ere To deny; to fail
Easter Island ʔIiŋoa Name Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Iva Nine
Easter Island Oro Abrade, grate, grind, rub, scrape, sharpen. Grind, mill; rub with hand (Wbr).
Easter Island Uʔa High tide; cause, motive, reason
Easter Island Uu Breast, dug, teat; milk
Easter Island Uru Enter, entrance
Easter Island Uru/ŋa Visión de cosas futuras, segunda vista
Easter Island Ka Inceptive, imperative
Easter Island Ka Particle of conditional mood
Easter Island Kahu Cloth, costume, fabric, tissue, clothes, dress
Easter Island Kaahui Bunch (e.g. of bananas)
Easter Island Kahukahu Peritoneum
Easter Island Kahukahu mamari Membrane of egg
Easter Island Kaa Light fire for the earth oven
Easter Island Kai Food, eat
Easter Island Kai/kai String games
Easter Island Kaʔi/kaʔi Sharp Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Kai Negativising particle preposed to verbs; still, yet (Fts,Chl). Todavia
Easter Island Kai Emphatic negative particle placed between the negative adverb ina and the verb
Easter Island Kai?a Uterus, womb ; la tierra; pais, isla
Easter Island Kakai Argument, quarrel
Easter Island Aʔamu Gossipy, tale-bearing; anecdote, fable, story Borrowed
Easter Island Kakara Fragrant, perfumed
Easter Island Kakararuu (Torax orthopterus) (like a cockroach)
Easter Island Kara?a Noise, uproar
Easter Island Kari/kari Cuenca, concavidad, muesca, incision, rebaje
Easter Island Karo Hacer ejercicios de quite, para evitar el golpe de un arma
Easter Island Ka/karo To dig, excavate, hollow, shell (e.g. pick nose, pluck out eye). Hollow out (Wbr).
Easter Island Karo/karo Excavate, to hollow, to shell (iterative of he kakaro)
Easter Island Karu Grain, seed, kernel, stone of fruit
Easter Island Kami Glad, pleased, contented Problematic
Easter Island ʔAmu Eat Borrowed