Entries from Bruce Biggs in Pollex-Online

Language Item Description
New Zealand Maori I roo In, inside. Considered to be abbreviation of i roto o. (Eastern dialects only) Borrowed Problematic
New Zealand Maori Raa Postposed particle marking distance from speaker in space or time
Ifira-Mele Raa Sail
New Zealand Maori Raa Sun
New Zealand Maori Raa Day (period of time)
Ifira-Mele Rae/rae Forehead
Fijian I/lavo Disc-shaped seed of the waalai vine
New Zealand Maori Raho(raho) Canoe decking (made of thin sticks)
New Zealand Maori Ra(ra)nga Plait (as a basket, a mat)
New Zealand Maori Ranga/ia Passive form of ra(ra)nga
New Zealand Maori Rangi Sky; the ten (or twelve) over-worlds; the head. Weather (Wms)
New Zealand Maori E/rangi/ But, but rather (EMA)
New Zealand Maori Raa-ngia Passive of rara
New Zealand Maori Rangi-aatea Name of several houses and places
New Zealand Maori Rangimaarie Quiet, peaceful; peace, tranquility
New Zealand Maori Rangi-toto Several localities, islands and ranges of volcanic origin; rock of volacanic origin
Fijian Raki/raki Place on north coast
New Zealand Maori Rara Spread out on stage (e.g. to dry or be grilled); be scattered about
New Zealand Maori Raro Below, under, bottom; north
New Zealand Maori Raro North Problematic
New Zealand Maori Haa/ramuramu/, koo/ramuramu Meaning unclear, but associated with eating Problematic
East Uvea Lano In names of lakes on the island
Marquesas ʔAuka Get
New Zealand Maori Whaka/rawe/-a To adorn, beautify
New Zealand Maori Whaka/rawe/-a Fasten, tie up, close up, join, effect a union
New Zealand Maori Remu Buttocks; tail feathers of certain birds
Fijian Lesu Return
New Zealand Maori Rehu/rehu Set (of the sun) ; ? return
New Zealand Maori Rewa(rewa) A tree (Knightia excelsa) with long, narrow, toothed leaves
New Zealand Maori Riakina Be elevated, appear (as the dawn on the horizon)
New Zealand Maori Riro Be out of sight, gone; unavenged (of a killing)
New Zealand Maori Kau/rima/ The rubbing stick used in producing combustion by the fire-plough method
New Zealand Maori Rita An evil spirit, (possibly a proper name)
New Zealand Maori Riu Bilge, floor of valley
New Zealand Maori Roo Stick insect, mantis (WMA)
New Zealand Maori Rongo-maa-taane Departmental god of the forest
Atiu Rongomataane-ariki Chief of Aatiu who came to Mitiaaro with the missionary John Williams in 1823
New Zealand Maori Rongonui Celebrated, famous
New Zealand Maori (Whaka)ropiropi ? rub, massage
New Zealand Maori Roto Lake, pool
New Zealand Maori Maa/rua-roa The second month of the Maori year during which the winter solstice occurred
New Zealand Maori Rure Shake something, brandish, dash upon, maltreat
New Zealand Maori Rupe Name of traditional character personified as a pigeon
New Zealand Maori Ma- Fossil prefix on some stative verbs
New Zealand Maori Maa (perhaps) Conjunction linking proper names in such god-names as Taane-ma-huta (?), Rongo-maa-Taane, Taawhiri-maa-(Aa)tea
New Zealand Maori Maa Conjunction linking units with tens and perhaps also linking proper names in such god-names as Taane-ma-huta (?), Rongo-maa-Taane, Taawhiri-maa-(Aa)tea
New Zealand Maori Maa Postposed particle pluralizing human reference, "and others"
New Zealand Maori Mahuika Deity from whom fire was obtained by Maaui-tikitiki
Fijian Magiti Food, especially vegetable food
New Zealand Maori Mai Particle indicating motion or orientation towards speaker; hither