#13: Posture.
Reconstruction | Description |
APO | Raise hands (or weapon) in defense or threat |
FAA-ITE.D | Sit on ground as women do, with both legs close together and extended to one side |
FAALOO.B | Stretch (the body), extend (arm), crane, peer to see better |
FAATAI.1 | To sit in a certain way |
FAGA.1B | Spread legs: *(fa)faga |
FAKA-PEKE | Fold or contract body |
FAKA-TAFA | Be on one side, go to one side; step aside, get out of the way |
FALALA.A | Lean, stoop; slant *fa(a)lala |
FAQO.2 | Lie facing up or down (with directionals) |
FARO.2B | Stretch (the body); stretch out a limb; stretch to see or reach |
FELA | To spread wide open (esp. legs); open out |
FIRINAKI | Lean on; rely on |
FULI-TUQA | Turn one's back on |
INO-QI | Lean over, bow, fall *(i)no(q)(i) |
KAPA.1 | Stretch out hands, reach for, grasp (Clk): *ka(ka)pa |
KOO-TUA | Reverse side, back; turn back towards |
LOFA.1 | Bowed down (as with sorrow or fatigue) |
LOKU | Bent, bowed down |
MA-FAO | Stretched, lengthened |
MA-FELA | Opened out, spread open |
MA-SIKE | Rise, stand up |
MA-TIKE | Stand up, arise |
MALOLO | Sink down, subside, fall down, collapse |
NOFO | Sit, dwell |
NOKU | Bend v |
NOU.3 | Contract the body; short |
OI.1 | Withdraw, turn away from |
PAALASI | Sit on, drop on |
PAATERO | Dart forth, protrude |
PEKE.2B | Crouch, hunch up in fetal position; fold limbs |
PIKO.B | Bow, stoop, bend down |
POU.2 | To lower the head, plunge headlong |
PUNOU | Bow down |
QALO-QALO | Confront, be face to face; be in the presence of |
SIGA.A | Fall over, topple over |
SOOPUU | To extend |
SURU.A | Bend forward, fall headlong, dive |
TAAGAKI | Turn and look at |
TAKOTO | Lie down |
TAUPE | Hang, droop, bend down: *(ta(a))upe |
TII-PAPA | Lie face down |
TII-RAFA | Be lying on one's back |
TIKE.1A | Sit so as to be above one sitting on ground; squat |
TOKO-TULI | Kneel (Rby) |
TU-FERA | Be open, as legs, door |
TUGOU | To nod, bow: *tu(u)gou |
TUQU-LAKI | To stand (plural subject), stand (up) in a group |
TUQU.1 | Stand, be upright |
48 entries found