Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
UTA Cargo, freight; load a canoe
UTA-GA Cargo, freight
UTARI Follow
UTE Paper Mulberry
UTO Float of a net
UTU-GA Punishment, penalty, fine
UTU-POTO Tie-beam of a traditional house
UTU.1A Compensation, payment, return
UTU.1B Revenge, vengeance, punishment
UTU.2 Harvest
UTUA Rock, reef or sea-floor exposed at low tide; promontory (Rby)
UU Strike home against something
UUTEE Type of chant or song
VAASIQA Interval of space or time
VAE-LUA-A-POO Midnight, the middle of the night
VAI Be, exist
VAKA-QATUA Spirit medium
VALE Left, not right
VAVAE.* Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) or plant producing similar fibre
VEHI A phase of the moon
TO VELE Avid, eager, greedy: *vele(vele)
VELO A fish (Bgs)
VENE Carrying straps; to carry on back with straps
VEVE Faded, dilapidated (leaves, mats, clothing), such items
VILI.1 Masturbate
VILI.2 Draw lots, decide by lot
VILIVILI Be quick, fast: *vili(vili)
VILU Former times
VIVITAI Bird sp (Hwd)
WA-WAA Empty space, chasm
WAA-LAI Liana sp. (Mucuna or Entada sp.)
WAA-WAA.2A Intestines: *(waa)waa
WAA-WAA.2B Vine, rope: *(waa)waa
WAA.1 Roar, talk loudly
WAA.2 Interval (of space or time)
WAAKULE Search head for lice
WAANAGA Speech, to speak
WAASI Side, place, part
WAATIA A kind of pudding made from polynesian arrowroot
WAAWAA.1 Insect sp
WAE Canoe or house part
WAELO Tail of animal, bird, stingray, comet; long thin appendage
WAERE.* To weed, clear away scrub, weeds
WAERUA.* Spirit, soul; ghost
WAHA-WAHA Spread out, separated by intervals; not close together, not tight (of a joint or closure)
WAHA.1 Carry on back
WAHA.2 Mouth
WAHA.3 Sheet (of a sail)
WAHE Divide, division; separate

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