Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
TUSU.B In expressions for "index finger": *tusu-qi >> *tusi
TUTE.1 Push (away)
TUTE.2 Fish sp.
TUTU-A Board or log on which bark for cloth is beaten
TUTU.1 Hoop (used as net spreader)
TUTU.2 A shrub (perhaps Colubrina asiatica)
TUTU.3 To beat out bark into felt; beat tapa
TUTU.4 Set fire to
TUTUE Thin (of body); tough (of fish or meat), owing to lack of fat
TUTUNA Tree sp. (Diospyros samoensis) *tutun(a,u) (Grf)
TUU-FONU Type of turtle
NO TUU-KAFA Coconut husk fibre ready for making into sennit
TUU-KAU.A Handle, haft
TUU-KAU.B Assistant, helper; subordinate chief
FU TUU-KELE.* Ground pigeon sp
TUU-ORO Resonate, sound: *tu(u)oro
TUU-PERE Scrape out, scoop out
TUU-POUPOU Trumpet Fish (Aulostomus valentini)
TUU-TAQE.* Excrement
TUU-TARA Talk about
TUU.1 Ground pigeon sp
TUU.2 Shake, shake dust off: *tuu(tuu)
TUU.3 A night or series of nights in the first part of the lunar cycle
TUUGAKI Signal fire
TUUGI-A To ignite, light
TUULOU Expression of deference; to bow
TUUMATATEGA Mourning; feel sad, grieve
TUUPAAPAKU Corpse, cadaver
TUUPUNA Plural of tupuna, grandparent
TUUTUU Large crab with big red spots (Carpilius sp.)
TUUTUU-AKAU.* Crab sp: *tuutuua(k)au
UA-LOTO Centre, middle
UA.1 Vein, artery, tendon, sinew: *ua(ua)
UA.2 Levering or prying action
UA.3 Yes: *ua(a)
UAKI Type of spear
UALOLO Crowded
UE.A Shake something backwards and forward; jiggle; agitate
UE.B Stir up the mind, arouse attention or interest
UFI Ashamed
UFU.1 Masturbate
UFU.2 Pull up, pull out, untie
UGA Send, order
UHI Tattooing instrument
UI Call out to
UKA.A Cord, bowstring, fishing line

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