Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
TURU A night after the full moon
TURUMA Ritually restricted place (latrine, dung-heap; grave)
TUSA Equal
TUSI Mark or adorn with colour, brand
TUSU.A Point (to), indicate: *tusu-qi >> *tusi
TUSU.B In expressions for "index finger": *tusu-qi >> *tusi
TUTE.1 Push (away)
TUTE.2 Fish sp.
TUTU-A Board or log on which bark for cloth is beaten
TUTU.1 Hoop (used as net spreader)
TUTU.2 A shrub (perhaps Colubrina asiatica)
TUTU.3 To beat out bark into felt; beat tapa
TUTU.4 Set fire to
TUTUE Thin (of body); tough (of fish or meat), owing to lack of fat
TUTUNA Tree sp. (Diospyros samoensis) *tutun(a,u) (Grf)
TUU-FONU Type of turtle
NO TUU-KAFA Coconut husk fibre ready for making into sennit
TUU-KAU.A Handle, haft
TUU-KAU.B Assistant, helper; subordinate chief
FU TUU-KELE.* Ground pigeon sp
TUU-ORO Resonate, sound: *tu(u)oro
TUU-PERE Scrape out, scoop out
TUU-POUPOU Trumpet Fish (Aulostomus valentini)
TUU-TAQE.* Excrement
TUU-TARA Talk about
TUU.1 Ground pigeon sp
TUU.2 Shake, shake dust off: *tuu(tuu)
TUU.3 A night or series of nights in the first part of the lunar cycle
TUUGAKI Signal fire
TUUGI-A To ignite, light
TUULOU Expression of deference; to bow
TUUMATATEGA Mourning; feel sad, grieve
TUUPAAPAKU Corpse, cadaver
TUUPUNA Plural of tupuna, grandparent
TUUTUU Large crab with big red spots (Carpilius sp.)
TUUTUU-AKAU.* Crab sp: *tuutuua(k)au
UA-LOTO Centre, middle
UA.1 Vein, artery, tendon, sinew: *ua(ua)
UA.2 Levering or prying action
UA.3 Yes: *ua(a)
UAKI Type of spear
UALOLO Crowded
UE.A Shake something backwards and forward; jiggle; agitate
UE.B Stir up the mind, arouse attention or interest
UFI Ashamed
UFU.1 Masturbate
UFU.2 Pull up, pull out, untie

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