Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
WAHE-GA Division, portion, share, piece of land; middle: *wa(a)he-ga
WAHE-RUA Divide in half
WAHIE Firewood
WAHII Cover, wrap; wrapping, covering
WAHINE Woman, female
WAHO Outside
WAI-A Wet, watery
WAI-KELI Well, water-hole
WAI-MARIE Calm, placid
WAI-MUQA A month name
WAI-MURI A month name
WAI-PUNA Spring (of water)
WAI-RAGA Place where something is kept
WAI-RUA Spirit: *wa(i,e)-rua
WAI-TAFE Stream, river
WAI-WAI Weak, watery
WAI.1 Fresh water
WAI.2 Name of a lunar month or season
WAIHO Leave, lay down, place
WAKA-WAKA Thorax, rib-cage (Ebt)
WAKA.A Canoe
WAKA.B A social grouping
WAKA.C Medium or bodily abode of a god
WAKAI Look at, examine
WALA.1 To desire, want
WALA.2 Be apart, separated
WALA.3 Wear round waist
WALE-A.A Mad, ignorant, foolish
WALE-A.B Absorbed, fascinated; overcome by sleep
WALE-GA Distracted, absorbed, unconscious
WALE-MOHE Drowsy, sleepy
WALE.1 Slimy, slimy substance
WALE.2 Mad, ignorant,stupid, unskilled, careless, forgetful *wale-a
WALE.3 Of no account, ordinary; only, just
WALI.1 To paint or smear on
WALI.2 Mushy, watery, muddy
WALO-WALO A tree (Premna sp.): *(w)alo(w)alo
WALO.1 Call out, shout, announce
WALO.2 Squilla
WALU.1 Eight
WALU.2 Tuna sp
WANA Sea-urchin sp
WANA-WANA Spiny, prickly, bristly (Clk)
WANU Deep place, precipice
WAO-A Overgrown
WAO-MATUQA Virgin forest, old-growth forest
WAO.A Forest

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