Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
WARU Scrape v
WASA Open sea, sea distance between places
WASA-QA Interval of space or time; social relations between: *wa(s,h)aqa
WASAGA Piece, part
WASE Divide, separate
WASI To split: *wa((q)a)si
WATA A hole; perforated
WATUKE Slate-pencil urchins (Heterocentrotus spp.)
WAWAI Plant sp., cotton (perhaps Gossypium hirsutum)
WAWAO Separate antagonists; mediate: *wawa(q)o
WAWE Quick, prompt
WE-WELA Hot (of fire, sun, weather); heat; (have) fever
WEKA.1 Bird sp.(Gallirallus philippensis)
WEKA.2 Go past suddenly
WEKA.3 Whistle
WEKE Offender
CC WEKE-WEKE Fringe, frayed edge
WEKU.1 Disarranged, dishevelled (of hair)
CK WEKU.2 Tear off
WELA.A Burn, be on fire, burnt
WELA.B Hot, heat
WELE To weed
LO WELETI Papaw (Carica papaya)
WELI.1 A venomous sea-creature
WELI.2 Disgusting, repulsive
WELO.1 Thrust, as in spearing; propel lengthwise
WELO.2 Stern of canoe
WEO Copper
WERE-WERE.A* Hanging membrane or flesh
WERE-WERE.B* Some part of female pudenda, probably the hymen
WERI Centipede
WERO A star name
WERU Ragged, frayed
WESA Bracelet
WESE.* Divide, separate
WETE.1 Untie
WETE.2 Goatfish, Surmullet
WEU.1 A fringe on material
WEU.2 Jumble, disarrange, put into disorder
WEWE.A Rubbish, refuse
WII.A A tree with edible fruit (Spondias cytherea [=dulcis])
WII.B Sour, fermented
WIIWII An insect
WIKI.1 Quick
WIKI.2 Praise
WILI-GIA Be blown by wind

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