Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
ALIGA Give off an odour: *a(a)liga
ALOA To treat with kindness and respect
ALOA-MANU A star and month name:*(a,o)loa-manu
ALU Vine sp. (Epipremnum pinnatum)
AMA Turmeric used as a cosmetic and sun-screen
AMI Crustacean roe
AMO.1A Stroke, rub gently, touch
AMO.1B Prepare fibres for string-making; prepared fibre (Rby) *am(o,u)
AMU Revile, mock
ANA.1 Post-posed particle, marking continuance of action or state
ANA.2 If and/or when
ANAKE Completely, only (postposed particle)
NO ANAU First person singular personal pronoun (Rby)
ANE.A White ant, termite; attacked by such insects
ANE.B A skin condition; substance causing skin irritation
ANEI Interrogative particle (post-verbal)
ANO.1 Desolate
ANO.2 Go
ANO.3 Leaf ball, game played with leaf ball (Rby)
ANOO Still, continuing
AO-MARAMA World of light (this world, contrasted with the underworld)
AO-RAGI Place name
AO.1 Scoop up, gather together
AO.2 A dry or fleshless coconut
AO.3 Bind (Ebt)
AO.4 World
AO.5 Go (by sea): *(h)ao
AOA Bark (of dog): *ao(a)
APAI.1 House purlin: *a(a)pai
APAI.2 Lift, carry on arms or hands
APAKULA Legendary person
APARAGI Sky, vault of
APERE Game, kind of
APO Raise hands (or weapon) in defense or threat
APU.A Seize, take, gather
APU.B Seize in the teeth; take or eat food eagerly, gorge, gobble
AQU Come, reach, arrive
AQU-MOHE Fast asleep
ARA-FATA Bridge or ladder
ARA-NUI Main road
ARA-TAURA Rope-ladder: *ara-taura
ARAHURA Place name
ARE-ARE Clear, open
ARI Wait! Exclamation of surprise: *ari(a)
ARUHE Fern sp., bracken: *a(r,n)uhe
ASA.1 To grate
ASA.2 Fin
ASEU A fish (Caranx sp.)

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