Protoform: MATI-KUKU [NP] Nail (of finger or toe), claw, hoof

Description: Nail (of finger or toe), claw, hoof
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

*1 Cf. NP *maqi-kuku
*4 POC *kuku ‘finger, fingernail, toenail, claw (of quadruped or bird)’ (LPO IV:278, V:176).
*5 PMP *kuSkuS "claw, talon, fingernail"(ACD).
*7 PBN *ghughu "claw" (Lvy. 1979).
*8 The prefixes *mati- and *maqi- may be different reductions of original **mata-qi-. (Compare NP *maqi-kao, *mati-kao "finger, toe".) Many languages have both variants, and while some give slightly different glosses, no consistent semantic distinction can be reconstructed.

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Matikuku, motikuku Griffes des animaux, des oiseax (Gzl)
Luangiua Makiʔuu Fingernail (Smd)
Luangiua Mokiʔʔuu Toenail(s) (Smd)
Mangaia Matikuku A claw, hoof (Chn)
Mangareva Matikuku, matekuku Fingernail or toenail. Ongle, griffe. (Rch)
Marquesas Matekuku (Ua Pou), matiʔuʔu (Fatu Hiva) (Atl). Fingernail or toenail. Ongle, griffe (Lch). Serre d'oiseau; bird claw (Atl). (Dln)
Marquesas Ma ti u gue Nail (Rbs)
New Zealand Maori Matikuku Nail of a finger or toe, claw, hoof (Wms)
Pukapuka Matikuku Broken edge of fingernail or toenail (Sby)
Rapa Matatiko Fingernails Phonologically Irregular (Sks)
Rarotongan Matikuku The claws of animals (Sve)
Samoan Matiʔuʔu Fingernail or toenail (Prt)
Tuamotu Matikuku Fingernail or toenail (Stn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Matikuku Nails of toes and fingers (Grn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Mahikuku Nail, claw (Hvn)

15 entries found

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