Protoform: NANEA [NP] Sufficient

Description: Sufficient
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Nanea Contented, absorbed (Pki)
Luangiua ŋaŋea Sufficient, satisfying (Smd)
Mangareva Nenea Abonder, se multiplier; produire des intérêts, donner un revenu (Rch)
Marquesas Haʔa/nenea Husband resources, add something to eke out supply (Bgs)
Marquesas Nenea Durable, qui fait un long usage (Dln)
New Zealand Maori Nanea Sufficient, satisfying, abundant (Wms)
Penrhyn Nanea Sufficient (Sta)
Pukapuka Nanea To make much out of little, dextrous (Sby)
Samoan Nanea Sufficient for the purpose (Prt)
Tahitian Nanea Qui se multiplie, qui ne s'épuise pas facilement; être abondant, avoir du rendement (Lmt)
Tokelau Nanea (of food) Plentiful, enough to go round; also applied to food such as fish which have a high proportion of edible material in them (Sma)
Tuamotu Nanea Sufficient, satisfying, abundant (Stn)

12 entries found

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