Protoform: QOLOGAA [MP] A shrub or tree (Pipturus argenteus [= incanus]); bark used for cordage: *q(a,o)logaa
Description: | A shrub or tree (Pipturus argenteus [= incanus]); bark used for cordage: *q(a,o)logaa |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to MP: Malayo-Polynesian |
Notes: | *0 >> SO *asogaa |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Hawaiian | Olonaa | A native shrub (Touchardia latifolia) | (Pki) |
Ifira-Mele | Rogaa | (Pipturus argenteus) | (Clk) |
Kapingamarangi | Warenga | Pipturus argenteus Phonologically Irregular | (Emy) |
Luangiua | Loloŋa | 10' tree, fishing-line from bark Phonologically Irregular | (Smd) |
Luangiua | Loŋaa | Pipturus argenteus | (Tbs) |
Mangaia | Orongaa | Nettle tree (Urtica argentea) (Bark used for cordage in former days.) | (Sta) |
Mangaia | Oorogaa | (Pipturus argenteus) | (McC) |
Mangareva | Oroga | Plante rampante; espèce de filet très fin | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Oronga | Something from which fibre is made | (Bck) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | ʔOorogaa | (Pipturus argenteus) | (McC) |
Marquesas | Oʔoka, oʔona | Esp. d'arbuste, espèce de plante | (Dln) |
Marquesas | ʔOʔona | (Pipturus argenteus) | (Flr) |
Nuguria | Aronaa | Tree used in making cord, for nets and fishing lines (stronger than hau) | (Dvl) |
Nukuoro | Olongaa | (Pipturus argenteus) | (Crl) |
Rarotongan | ʔOrongaa | Small tree sp. (Pipturus argenteus) | (Whr) |
Tahitian | Rooʔaa | Arbuste (servait à faire les lignes de pèche) (Pipturus argenteus) | (Lmt) |
Takuu | Aronaa | Plant sp. (Pipturus argenteus) used for making cord | (Mle) |
Tongan | Olongá | A certain kind of tree | (Mar) |
Tongan | ʔOlongaa | A small tree (Pipturus argenteus) | (Ykr) |
Tongan | ʔOlongaa | A kind of tree with greyish leaves. (Its bark was formerly used for making string.) | (Cwd) |
Tuamotu | Rongaa | A tree (Pipturus incanus var. tuamotensis) | (Brn) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Longaa | A big tree | (Hvn) |
West Futuna | Ta/roŋa | A fibre used for twine making; to look for it | (Cpl) |
West Uvea | Alongaa | Plante (Pipturus incanus) [Wedd.] (Urticacées) | (Hmn) |
24 entries found
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