Protoform: QOTA-QOTA [PN] Rubbish, refuse

Description: Rubbish, refuse
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 < PN *qota.2 'dregs,residue (of coconut etc.)'

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Easter Island ʔOtaʔota Cut or hacked into fine pieces; crumbled because eaten by moths or termites (Kvt)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Otaota Rubbish. Dregs, weeds (Sve). (Krk)
New Zealand Maori Otaota Herbs in general, vegetation, weeds, litter (Wms)
Niue Otaota Rubbish, refuse (Sph)
Penrhyn Otaota Rubbish, weeds (Sta)
Rennellese ʔOtaʔota Goods, articles, possessions, property (Ebt)
Samoan Otaota Rubbish; filth, ordure (Prt)
Sikaiana Otaota The placenta of childbirth (Dnr)
Takuu Otaota Umbilical cord and placenta (Mle)
Tikopia Otaota Sediment, from infusion of trad. kava, mod. tea, etc. Trad. term in ritual context for temple rubbish (Fth)
Tokelau Otaota Rubbish, refuse, garbage; dung, animal droppings (Sma)
Tongan ʔOtaʔota Rubbish (Cwd)
Tongan Awta-awta Dirt; filth; refuse; sweepings (Mar)

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