Easter Island entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.KIOLE Kiore Rat (Chl)
NP.KIOLE Kiora Rat (Thomson)/ (Fts)
NP.KIOLE Kioʔe Rat. Mouse (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
PN.KISI-KISI Kihikihi Lichen; ash-coloured, discoloured, colourless (Fts)
NP.KOA.2 Koa Alegria, gozo; alegrarse, estar contento (Fts)
AN.KOE (Ko)koe You (sing) (Fts)
FJ.KOFE.A Kohe Planta del genero filicinas que crece en la costa (Fts)
OC.KOFU.1A Kohu Container, vessel (Kvt)
OC.KOFU.2 Kohu Shade, shadow Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fts)
PN.KOGA Kona Lugar, terreno, parte; superficie del cuerpo Phonologically Irregular (Egt)
EP.KOQILO Kooʔiro Conger eel (Fts)
EP.KOKI Koke To limp Phonologically Irregular (Kvt)
EP.KOKI Koke/koke Halt, lame; to hobble, limp; lameness Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
EP.KOO-KILI Kokiri Name for an unidentified fish (Fts)
OC.KOKOO Koko/koko Cackle, crow (Fts)
EP.KOKOMA Kookoma Bowels, guts, intestines (Fts)
EP.KOO-KURU. Mareekooroo Fraxinifolia, a small shrub with ash leaves (J.R.Forster quoted by Langdon JPS 105:185) (Fts)
EP.KOO-KURU. Marikuru Ashwood . (Sapindus saponaria) . White clay (Kvt)
EP.KOO-KURU. Marikuku The Sapindus saponaria tree; a white kind of clay Problematic (Fts)
EP.KORE Kore Without; to lack, to miss (Fts)
EP.KORE-KORE Kokore The moon during the first six nights after the new moon and the five nights after the full moon (Kvt)
NP.KOO-LELO Rero/rero To write, to draw (escribir signos, figuras). Write (archaic) (Wbr). Problematic (Fts)
XE.KOREWA Koreva Filefish sp. (Cantherhines rapanui (De Buen)) (Rdl)
PN.KOLI.1B Kori Play, divert, amuse (Fts)
PN.KOLI.1B ʔOri Dance (from TAH) Borrowed (Fts)
EP.KORO.3 Koro Father (old word). Term of respect or endearment used in addressing or referring to elder men (Wbr). (Fts)
NP.KOLO-MAKI Koromaki Sad, grieved (Fts)
EP.KOROUA Koroua Decrepit, old age, worn with age (Chl)
EP.KOROUA Korohuʔa Decrepit, senile; grow old; senility, old age. Old (of men) (Wbr). (Fts)
EP.KOROUA Korohu(ʔ)a Viejo, hombre viejo (Fts)
NP.KOO-LUA Koorua Second person dual pronoun, you (Fts)
EP.KOMARI Komari Vulva (Fts)
PN.KOMO.1 Komo To wedge, place wedges to support something (Fts)
RO.KONA.1 Kona Surface of the body (tattooed part) Problematic (Kvt)
EO.KONA.4 Kona/kona Tasteless (Fts)
CE.KOO-PIRO Koopiro To ferment, to start rotting (Fts)
EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu Abdomen, belly, paunch, stomach. Stomach (the organ) (Wbr). (Fts)
EP.KOTI.2 Ko/koti/ Sea-bass (Thomson) (Fts)
EP.KOO-QURA.* Kooʔura Flea; small insects in general (Fts)
AN.-KU.1 A a/ku, o o/ku First person singular possessive pronoun, mine (Fts)
NP.KU.2 Ku Particle that characterizes the past part. of the verbs (Fts)
EP.KUHANE Kuhane Ghost, soul, spectre (Fts)
EP.KUIA Kuia Booby (Chl)
PN.KUMALA.1 Kumara, kumaa Sweet potato (Wbr)
EP.KUKU.1B Kuku Tie branches together (Fts)
NP.MAQI-KUKU Maʔikuku Casco, pezuna, una. Fingernail, claw (Wbr). (Fts)
PN.KULA.1B Kura Short, multi-coloured feathers of certain birds (Fts)
FJ.KULII Kurii Cat (Fts)
PN.KUMALA.1 Kuumara Sweet Potato (Ipomoea) (Fts)
NP.KUMALA.2 Kumara Petrel spp. (Oestralata incerta, leucoptera) (Mtx)

1651 entries found