Easter Island entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
EC.FUA.3B | Hua | Testicles. Penis (Wbr). | (Fts) |
EP.FUA.3C | O/hua | First night after the first quarter of the moon | (Fts) |
PN.FUA-TASA | Huatahi | Only son | (Chl) |
NP.FUE.1B | Hue | Gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris; pumpkin | (Fts) |
NP.FUUFAA | Huha(a) | Ham, muscle, thigh | (Fts) |
AN.FUFU.1 | Huhu | Worm-eaten | (Fts) |
AN.FUFU.2 | Huhu | Strip; graze surface | (Chl) |
EC.FUGA.2 | Huŋa | Fine dust | (Fts) |
EC.FUGA.2 | Huʔa | To grind very finely . from TAH Problematic | (Fts) |
PN.FUGOWAI.* | Huŋavai | Parent-in-law | (Fts) |
NP.FULA.2 | Hura/hura | Dance | (Fts) |
OC.FULE.A | Hure/hure, hu/hure | To peel | (Kvt) |
MP.FULI.1 | Huri | To turn around, turn over; to overthrow, knock down. Pour; turn over (flat-sided objects) (Wbr). | (Kvt) |
NP.FULU.3 | Huru | Costume; situation; character, manner, conduct. Way, manner (of being, characteristic) (Wbr). | (Fts) |
MP.FULU-FULU | Huruhuru | Hair | (Fts) |
EP.FUNAOGA.* | Hunoŋa | Yerno, nuera. Son/daughter in law (Wbr). | (Fts) |
AN.FUTI.1 | Huti | Manejar el kupe9a, el jefe de la pesca, la persona que dirige las maniobras en la pesca con kupe9a | (Fts) |
AN.FUTI.1 | Huti | Manila hemp | (Kvt) |
AN.FUTI.2 | Footee | Banana [Forster 1774] (Langdon & Tryon 1983:31) | (Fts) |
PN.GAA.2A | ŋa | Prefix used with nouns to indicate plurality | (Fts) |
EC.GAELE | ŋaere | Moverse, oscilar | (Cnt) |
EP.GA-FAQA.* | ŋaʔaha | Reventar; quebrarse; haber derrame (de sangre) . Crack, crevice, fissure; explosion; break, burst, crack, split, explode. Break (by shattering?, e.g. a bottle, window, cup, gox, table, etc.) (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
PN.GAKO | Nako | Marrow Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
NP.GAA-LAFU | ŋarahu | White powder or dust used in tattooing | (Fts) |
EP.GAARARA | ŋarara | Ant-lion; cockroach ; beetles (Métraux 1937:54) | (Fts) |
FJ.GALI.2A | Nari/nari | Máscara que usaban antiguamente en algunas fiestas Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Fts) |
OC.GALO.1 | ŋaro | Desaparescer, perderse de vista una, persona o cosa... Lose (Wbr). | (Fts) |
MP.GALU.1 | ŋaru | To swim over the waves . Dejarse arrastrar por la marejada a la playa [body-surfing] | (Chl) |
NP.GAALULU.B | ŋaruru | Fainting, headache, seasickness, vertigo | (Fts) |
PN.GAO.2 | ŋao | Neck of a bottle, nape of the neck | (Fts) |
PN.GAQESE | ŋaʔehe | Noise; great and continuous noise | (Fts) |
PN.GAQESE | ŋaʔehe/ʔehe | A plant (Crotolaria striata). Dry seeds in the shell produce a peculiar noise when the branches sway | (Fts) |
EP.GATU.2 | ŋaaʔatu | (Scirpus riparius), var. Paschalis | (Fts) |
CE.GATU.3 | ŋatu | Compress, crush, knead; oppress, press ; to feel of, to pinch, to throttle with the hands, to touch, to press ; apretar, aprensar aigo; Henar un hoyo (saco, canasto etc.), apretendo las cosas que ses meten adentro. Knead, crush, press (Wbr). | (Chl) |
OC.GAU | ŋau | To bite | (Kvt) |
EP.GEE | ŋee/ŋee | Plural of 9ee to sound | (Fts) |
LO.GIGITA | ʔIiʔiita | Papaw (Ldn) from TAH Borrowed | (Fts) |
EP.GIQO | ŋiʔo/ŋiʔo | Garment, rag, tattered Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
OC.GOLO | ŋoro/ŋoro | Growl, grunt, grumble | (Fts) |
CE.GORU | ʔOru | Inflarse, hincharse Borrowed | (Cnt) |
OC.GUU.1 | ŋuu | To recite by singing | (Fts) |
NP.GUU.2 | ŋuu | Sepia, jibia (molusco parecido al calamar); (Sepioteuthis arctipinnis) | (Cnt) |
PN.GUGU.1 | ŋuŋu/ŋuŋu | Eat raw food or fruit | (Fts) |
MP.GUTU.A | ŋutu | Beak, bill; lip, mouth | (Fts) |
AN.HAFA.A | Aha | What? | (Fts) |
MP.HAGAFULU | ʔAŋahuru | Ten Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
MP.HAI | Aai | Who? | (Fts) |
PN.HAKU | Aku | Fish (Chrysophrys aurata) | (Fts) |
AN.HALA | Ara | Road, path | (Wbr) |
EO.HAMA | Ama | Outrigger | (Kvt) |
1657 entries found