Easter Island entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
EP.KUME.1 Kume Pull out, extract. Desatornillar, desempaquetar, desenredar, desenvolver, deshacer (un enredo, un paquete), destapar, extraer, sacar. Disentangle, draw out, open, undo, unwrap, unscrew (Fts). (Chl)
PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms (Chl)
PN.KUPU.1A Kupu Texto (de un libro, de una canción, etc.) (Egt)
AN.KUTU.1 Kutu Louse (Fts)
EP.I.1 I Past (Fts)
PN.-QI.3 Horoʔi Clean, erase, wipe off (Fts)
EP.QII.2 ʔIi/ʔii Rotten, putrefy (Fts)
AN.IA.1 Ia Third person singular personal pronoun (Fts)
AN.IKA.A Ika Fish n (Fts)
EP.IKA.B Ika Victim; corpse of man fallen in war (Kvt)
PN.QILAAMUTU Iramuta, iramuto Fellow being Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fts)
EO.INO-QI Noi Bend, bow down, lean, incline. Crouch, bend down (as e.g. to go through a wire fence) (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
PN.IO.2 Io/io Piece, fragment, portion (Fts)
AN.IPU Ipu Gourd, container for liquid (Fts)
OC.ISE.1 Ihe An unidentified fish (Fts)
OC.ISI Ihi/ihi Tear (Fts)
AN.ISU.1 Ihu Nose. Headland, point. (Wbr)
AN.QITI ʔIti Small (Fts)
EP.ITO Ito/ito Cunning, skilful; ability, skill, energy, force, strength, vigour. Brave (Wbr). (Fts)
NP.IWI.A Ibi Bone; needle (Fts)
PN.FAA-FAA Poo/haahaa Darkness; obscure (Wbr)
OC.LAQAA Raʔaa Sun (Wbr)
EP.RAQAA Raʔaa Dia (Bxn)
AN.LAQE.A Ko/raʔe Forehead (Fts)
AN.LAQE.A Raʔe First (Kvt)
OC.LAFA Raha Dandruff (Fts)
EP.RAAFUI.* Rahui Prohibit (Chl)
NP.LAGA.1B Raŋa To flow; to form a puddle. (Of water from heavy rains or flood) to run together to form a lake. Float (Wbr). (Fts)
PN.LAGA.2 Ra/raŋa Weave (Kvt)
OC.LAGI.1 Raŋi Call, cry out. Call (summon) (Wbr). (Fts)
AN.LAGI.2 Raŋi Sky; cloud; Heaven. Cielo, firmamente, nube (Fts). (Wbr)
OC.LAGO.2 Raŋo Scaffold (Fts)
EP.RAAKAU.1 Rakau 17th night of month (Mtx)
EP.RAAKAU.1 Raakau Full moon (Fts)
PN.LAAKEI Raakei Adorn, decorate, embellish (Fts)
AN.RAKU Ra/raku, raku/raku Scratch (Kvt)
AN.RARA.1 Rara Chamuscar, calentar ropa cerca del fuego para secarla (Fts)
EP.RARA.2 Rara Side (lado). Side (archaic) (Wbr). (Kvt)
EO.LALAFI Rahai Sole (Solea vulgaris) Problematic (Fts)
NP.LALI.2 Rari Wet, become wet (Fts)
AN.LALO.A Raro Under, below. Bottom (Wbr). (Fts)
NP.LAA-UA Raaua Third person dual independent pronoun (Fts)
PN.LAMA.1 Ra/rama To inspect, to review . Registrar, inspeccionar, revisar (Fts). (Chl)
AN.RAMA Rama Torch; fish with a torch (Fts)
AN.RANO Rano Lake formed in crater of a volcano (Fts)
OC.RANU.B Ranu El liquido amniotico, ilamado vulgarmente "las aguas" (Fts)
PN.LAPA.1B Rapa Type of dance paddle (Mtx)
OC.LAPA.2 Rapa Shine, shiny. Shine (light mottling water, landscape, grasses) (Wbr). (Fts)
OC.LAPA.2 Ra/rapa/ Shiny, brilliant, sparkling (Fts)
MP.LAPU Rapu Work, workman; till the soil, to hoe . Limpar un terreno de pasto Problematic (Chl)

1651 entries found