Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
EP.RITO.A Liko Shining, glistening, as with dew (Pki)
PN.LIU.1 Liu Bilge-water (Pki)
OC.LIU.2 Liu-a Spinning, whirling, dizzy; shocked; fascinated (Pki)
OC.LOO Loo Black insect, earwig (Pki)
CE.ROO.2 Loo Black insect, earwig (Pki)
OC.LOA.1 Loa Distant, long, tall (Pki)
NP.LOA.2 Loa Intensive (Pki)
CE.ROAKA Loaʔa Find, get, obtain etc. This extremely common word is the model for loa`a stative verbs (Pki)
PN.LOFA.1 Loha Drooping, wilting (Pki)
CE.ROFEROFE Lohelohe Larvae of the dragonfly (Pki)
PN.LOGA Lona/lona, nona/nona Many (Pki)
AN.ROGO.1A Lono Hear (Pki)
AN.ROGO.1B Lono News (Pki)
CE.ROGO.2 Lono The 28th day of the lunar month (Pki)
PN.LOGOAQA Lono(w)aa Hearsay, rumour (Pki)
PN.LOHU Lou Fruit-plucking pole, hook with a pole (Pki)
OC.LOKI Loʔi Irrigated terrace, esp. for taro (Pki)
CE.ROKO-HIA Loʔohia Possessed, overwhelmed, overcome, stricken; to befall, to happen (Pki)
MP.LOKU Loʔu Overhang; bend over; bent over (Pki)
CP.LOLI Loli Sea-slug, sea-cucumber, beche de mer (Holothuria spp.) (Pki)
EP.RORO.1 Lolo Bone marrow, brains, spongy matter (Pki)
PN.LOMI Lomi Squeeze (Pki)
CE.ROOPAA Loopaa Tenant farmer (Pki)
OC.LOTO.A Loko Inside (Pki)
PN.LOTO.B Loko Pool, lake (Pki)
PN.LOTO.B Loko/kai Lagoon (Pki)
PN.LOTO.C Loko Character, disposition, heart (Pki)
CE.ROTU.2 Loku Downpour of rain; to pour (of rain), blow (of wind) (Pki)
MP.LUU.2 Luu Drip (as water) (Pki)
OC.LUU.3 Luu(Luu) Shake (Pki)
MP.LUA.1 Lua Hole, pit (Pki)
AN.RUA Lua Two (Pki)
CE.RUAHINE Lu(w)ahine Old woman (Pki)
NP.LUA-KI Luaʔi Vomit (Pki)
NP.LUA-NI Lua Companion, mate (Pki)
MQ.RUE Lue/lue Bag net...held open by a hoop...baited and lowered into the sea by four long cords Uncertain Semantic Connection (Pki)
CE.RUFI.2 Luhi Weary, tired, fatigued (Pki)
PN.LUGA Luna Above (Pki)
CE.RUHIA Luhia Variety of shark (Pki)
NP.LUU-KAU.* Luuʔau Young taro tops (Pki)
TA.RUKI Liʔi Imaginary or indistinct sound Problematic (Pki)
PN.RUKU Luʔu Dive, plunge into water, immerse, duck, dip (as shrimp net) (Pki)
PN.LELU Lule Shake like a jelly (Pki)
MP.RURU Lulu Shelter, calm (Pki)
EP.RUMAKI.* Lumaʔi Douse, duck (Pki)
TA.RUNAGA Luna Foreman, boss, leader, overseer Problematic (Pki)
TA.RUNAGA Launa Friendly, sociable; to associate with, meet with, fraternize with Problematic (Pki)
EP.RUPE-RUPE. Lupalupa Flourishing, of luxuriant growth, lush, thriving (Pki)
PN.LUPO Luupoo Fish sp Problematic (Pki)
EP.RUTU Luku To massacre, destroy, slaughter, lay waste... (Pki)

2221 entries found