Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
RO.MANINI.1 Manini (Acanthurus sandvicensis) (Reef Surgeon-fish) (Pki)
CE.MANINI.2 Manini Wrath, anger, angry Problematic (Pki)
NP.MANINO.* Manino Calm (Pki)
PN.MANO Mano Four thousand, many, multitude (Pki)
PN.MANONO Manono All spp. of (Gouldia) genus, small trees or shrubs belonging to the coffee family (Pki)
AN.MANU.1A Manu Bird (Pki)
CE.MANU-FIRI Malihini Stranger, newcomer, guest (Pki)
OC.MANUKA.1 Manuʔa Piled, accumulated Uncertain Semantic Connection (Pki)
CE.MANUNU.2 Manunu Creak or break, as bones (Pki)
PN.MAO.1 Mao Cease raining (Pki)
AN.MAQOHA Moʔa Cooked Phonologically Irregular (Pki)
PN.MAQOLI Maoli Native, indigenous, native, true, real (Pki)
PN.MAA-PUNA Maapuna Bubbling spring (Pki)
PN.MAA-SAGA Maahana Twin (Pki)
NP.MASALO.B Mahalo Admiration, praise, esteem; thank, thanks, gratitude (Pki)
PN.MASAME (Me)hame A tree (Antidesma spp.) (Pki)
PN.MASAME Meehame/hame A rare native tree (Drypetes phyllanthoides) (Pki)
PN.MASI-MASI Mahimahi Dolphin, (Coryphaena hippurus) (Pki)
PN.MAASINA Mahina Moon (Pki)
CE.MAA-SINU Maahinu Anointed, polished (Pki)
AN.MATA.1A Maka Eye, face (Pki)
OC.MATA.1B Maka Mesh of net (Pki)
EO.MATA.1C Maka Blade, cutting edge, point (Pki)
AN.MATA.2A Maka Raw (fish), uncooked; green, unripe (fruit); fresh as distinct from salted provisions; wet (sand) (Pki)
EP.MATA-A Maakaa A kind of stone (Pki)
EP.MATAFITI Makahiki Year (Pki)
OC.MATAGI Makani Wind n (Pki)
PN.MA-TAKA Maakaʔa Clear and open, as a view; a clearing Problematic (Pki)
CE.MATA-KAINAGA Maka/ʔaainana/ Commoner, populace, people in general (Pki)
PN.MAATA-KI Maakaʔi To police, inspect, spy; policeman, guard (Pki)
PN.MAATA-KI Maakaʔi/kaʔi To visit, see the sights; spectator (Pki)
PN.MATA-KITE.A Makaʔike See clearly and with keen powers of observation (Pki)
CE.MATA-KITE.B Makaʔike To see supernatural things (Pki)
AN.MATAKU Makaʔu Fear v, afraid, to be (Pki)
PN.MA-TALA.A Makala Untied, undone (Pki)
PN.MATA-QARA Makaʔala Alert, vigilant, watchful, awake (Pki)
PN.MATA-LIKI.A Makaliʔi Tiny, very small, fine, wee, small-meshed, narrow wefts (Pki)
EO.MATA-LIKI.B Makaliʔi Pleiades; Hawaiian month name - the six summer months collectively (Pki)
PN.MATA-QA-MUQA Maka mua First, beginning, commencement (Pki)
EP.MATA-POO Makapoo Blind(ness), blind person (Pki)
CE.MATA-POOURI Makapoouli Dizzy, dizziness, faint (Pki)
EP.MATA-SIAPO Makahiapo Firstborn child, oldest child (Pki)
PN.MATA-TOQA Maka koa Bold, fearless (Pki)
PN.MATAQU.1 Makau Fishhook (Pki)
AN.MATE.1A Make Die (Pki)
PN.MATE.1B Make Fainting (Pki)
PN.MATI.1 Ma/maki/ A tree (Pipturus sp.) (Pki)
CE.MAA-TIRO Maakilo Eye wistfully, look longingly at, to beg thus (Pki)
PN.MATO Maakoo Rough, rocky, large Problematic (Pki)
PN.MA-TOFI.A Maakohi To split (as breadfruit); splitter (Pki)

2221 entries found