Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.MAKO.3 Maʔo Native cotton (Gossypium sandvicense); shrubs (Abutilon spp.) (Pki)
NP.MAKO-MAKO Maʔomaʔo Green, greenness Uncertain Semantic Connection (Pki)
PN.MAA-KONA.1 Maaʔona Satiated with food (Pki)
CE.MAA-KUU Maʔuu Damp, wet, humid, moist, cool, refreshing (Pki)
PN.MAKUKU.1 Maaʔuuʔuu Gulping sound; to stutter Problematic (Pki)
PN.MALA.2 Maa/mala/ Fragment, chip, splinter (Pki)
OC.MAQALA Maala Garden (Pki)
PN.MA-LAGA.1 Maalana Buoyant, light (Pki)
CE.MARAGAI.* Malanai Name of a gentle breeze associated with Koloa, Kaua'i, Haana, Maui and Kailua, O'ahu (Pki)
OC.MA-RAMA.A Malama Light; perhaps (Pki)
EO.MA-LAMA Malama Month, moon (Pki)
PN.MALE Male Phlegm (Pki)
CE.MAA-REFUREFU Maalehulehu Twilight (Pki)
PN.MAALIE.B Maalie Calm, gentle (Pki)
PN.MA-LIKO Maliʔo Dawn, light, twilight (Pki)
NP.MA-LILI.1 Maalili Blighted, withered, stunted, as fruit (Pki)
CE.MAARIRI Maalili Blunted, withered Problematic (Pki)
MP.MALINO Malino Calm (Pki)
PN.MA-LIU Maliu Turn toward (Pki)
CE.MA-RIU Maliu Look on with favour, heed, give attention (Pki)
MP.MALO Malo Male's loincloth (Pki)
PN.MAROO Maloo Variant of malo`o (Pki)
CE.MAROKO Maloʔo Dry, dried up, evaporated, juiceless; stale; drought (Ebt)
NP.MAALOO.B Maaloo Taut, firm, straight (Pki)
FJ.MALOLO Malolo Low, of tide (Pki)
PN.MAALOLO Maalolo General term for flying-fish (Pki)
MP.MALU.A Malu Shade, shelter, protection; shaded, peaceful, protected by taboo; the stillness and awe of taboo (Pki)
PN.MALU.C Malu Control, strength; protection; protected by taboo; the stillness and awe of taboo (Pki)
MP.MAMA.2 Mama Chew (Pki)
MP.MAQA-MAQA.A Maamaa Light (in weight) (Pki)
PN.MAQAMAQA.B Ake/maamaa/ Lungs (Pki)
NP.MAMAE.1 Mamae Effects of pain (Pki)
PN.MAMAGI Maamane A leguminous tree (Sophora chrysophylla) (Pki)
CE.MAMAKU ʔAmaʔu (Sadleria spp.) (Pki)
PN.MAMAQO Mamao Distant (Pki)
EP.MAMARI Mamali Young stage of `oo`io (a fish) Problematic (Pki)
PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamake Die (Plural) (Pki)
CE.MAMO.1 Mamo Descendant, posterity (Pki)
PN.MAMO.2 Mamo (Abudefduf abdominalis), a fish to about seven inches long (Pki)
OC.MANA.1 Mana Supernatural or divine power, mana, miraculous power...authority...privilege... (Pki)
CE.MANAFUNE Menehune, melehune Legendary race of small people (Pki)
PN.MANAKO Manaʔo To think, estimate, suppose... (Pki)
CE.MANATAA Manakaa Boresome, tiresome, dull, monotonous, wearied, wearisome, uninteresting; bored, uninterested (Pki)
MP.MANAWA.1 Manawa/hua Discomfort of the stomach or indigestion, with gas and often diarrhea (Pki)
MQ.MANAWA.2 Manawa Anterior fontanelle (Pki)
AN.MAANAWA.1 Manawa/ea Rising breath (Pki)
CE.MAANAWA.2 Maanawa/nawa A beach Vitex (Pki)
CE.MANAWA-NUI Manawa-nui Patience, fortitude, courage (Pki)
PN.MANIA.1 Mania Shudder, set on edge (of teeth) (Pki)
NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Drowsy, inactive, sleepy Problematic (Pki)

2221 entries found