Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.TAA-PEKA Kaapeʔa Seize and hold a criminal (Pki)
CE.TAA-PIRI Kaapili Build, put together, put on, fit together, mend, fix, repair, join... (Pki)
NP.TAA-POLA Kaapola Bind, wrap, bandage (Obs.) (Pki)
OC.TAPU Kapu Taboo, prohibition, sacred, holy, consecrated (Pki)
CE.TAPU-AFI Kapuahi Fireplace, name of a star (Pki)
CE.TAPUHI Kaapuhi Nurse or caretaker, master of an animal (Pki)
CE.TAPUTAPU-ATEA Kapukapuahakea A land area on Moloka`i, associated with a heiau.(pronunciation uncertain) (Pem) (Pki)
NP.TASI.1 Kaahi One (Pki)
AN.TASI.2 Kahi Cut longitudinally (Pki)
PN.TATAA Kaa Canoe bailer; to bail (Pki)
PN.TATAU.1 Kaakau Tattoo, write, print on tapa (Pki)
MQ.TATE Kake Chants with mixed or garbled words (Pki)
NP.TAA-TOU Kaakou We, us (first person plural inclusive) (Pki)
CE.TAATUU. Kaakuu (Sphyraena barracuda) (Pki)
CE.TAATUA Kaakua Fasten (as sarong) (Pki)
PN.TAU.2 Kau Hang, suspend, perch, rest (Pki)
MP.TAU.5 He/kau/ Anchor; to anchor (Pki)
OC.TAQU.1 Kau Period of time, season (Pki)
FJ.TAQU.2A Kau Particle indicating plural (Pki)
PN.TAU-QA Kaua War, battle, army; make war (Pki)
TA.T-AUA Ua Refers to a previously mentioned noun Problematic (Pki)
NP.TAA-UA.1 Kaaua We two (inc) (Pki)
AN.TAQUFUFU Kauhuhu House ridgepole (Pki)
CE.TAUIRA Kauila Ceremony of consecration (Pki)
PN.TAURA Kaula Rope, cord (Pki)
PN.TAAULA-QATUA Kaaula Prophet, seer (Pki)
PN.TAU-LAGA Kaulana Resting place (Pki)
PN.TAU-RAKI Kaulaʔi Hang up (as to dry in sun) (Pki)
PN.TAU-LUA Kaulua Pair, yoke, two of a kind; put together (Pki)
CE.TAU-RUA Kaulua Double canoe (Pki)
NP.TAU-MAFA.* Kaumaha Heavy; weight (Pki)
PN.TAUMAFA Kaumaha Offering, sacrifice (Pki)
PN.TAUMAFA Kaumaha/ʔai Food offering to gods (Pki)
PN.TAQO-PATU Kaupoku Ridgepole; highest point, ceiling (Pki)
PN.TAQO-PATU Kaupoku ʔiole Second ridgepole placed aboce the main ridgepole (Pki)
PN.TAUPE Kaupee Humble, timid and cringing, crushed; to walk in a feeble, wobbly manner, as a sick or aged person Problematic (Pki)
CE.TAA-WAHA Kaawaha Opening, hollow (Pki)
PN.TAWAKE Koaʔe Phaeton species (Pki)
PN.TAWALI Kowali Various kinds of Morning Glory (Ipomoea spp.) (Pki)
PN.TAWA-TAWA Kawakawa (Euthynnus yaito), Bonito, Little Tunny (Pki)
CE.TAA-WERE Kaawele Dance step in which foot moves in half-circle without touching ground (Pki)
PN.TAA-WILI Kaawili To mix ingredients, drugs, medicine (Pki)
PN.TE.1 Ke Definite article singular (Ebt)
PN.TE.1 Ka, ke Definite article singular (Ebt)
CE.TEE.1 Kee Clang (as bell), strike (as clock) (Pki)
CE.TEE.3 Ke...nei Present tense near speaker (Ebt)
CE.TEE.3 Ke...laa Present tense at a distance from speaker (Ebt)
CP.TEA Kea White, clear (Pki)
CE.TEA-TEA Keakea Semen (Pki)
CE.TEFA.1 Keha Pride, brag, height, dignity (Pki)

2221 entries found