Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.TEFE Kahe To cut or slit longitudinally, to circumcise (Pki)
CE.TEGA.3 Kena Quenched, satisfied (of thirst); weary (as from toil) grieved, distressed (Pki)
NP.TEE-IA.* Keeia This (Pki)
CE.TEKA.2A Keʔa Dart, bow, shoot with bow and arrow (Pki)
EP.TEKA.2B Keʔa Male animal reserved for breeding, virile male (Pki)
CE.TEKE.1 Keʔe Crooked (Pki)
CE.TEKO.1 Keʔo Project v (Pki)
MQ.TEKO.2 Keʔo White, clear, bleach (Pki)
EP.TEKO.3 Keʔo(keʔo) Proud, haughty (Pki)
PN.TELE.1 Kele Scrape cooked taro with a shell (Pki)
PN.TERE.A Kele Sail v (Pki)
CE.TERO Kelo Slimy, snotty Problematic (Pki)
CE.TEO Keʔo Clitoris (Pki)
PN.TEPA Kepa Look sideways; cut obliquely (Pki)
NP.TE-TASI Kekahi A, one, some, few, other, another, certain.... (Pki)
NP.TE-TASI ʔEkahi One, once Problematic (Pki)
CP.TEQETEQE Keekee Arothron hispidus (Pki)
PN.TE-TEA Kekea Albino (Pki)
PN.TEU.1 Keu Remaining, excessive, additional, spare, surplus, extra, too much Problematic (Pki)
MP.TII.1 Kii (Cordyline terminalis) (Pki)
CE.TII.4 Ki/kii/ Flow swiftly, spurt (Pki)
MP.TIA.1A Kia Pillar, prop, post, nail, spike, mast (Pki)
EP.TIAKI Kiaʔi Watch, guard (Pki)
CE.TIFA.1B Kiihe/i Shawl, cape, afghan; cloak of makoloa matting; rectangular tapa garment worn over one shoulder and tied in a knot; bed covering Problematic (Pki)
NP.TIFI Kihi Tip, apex, extremity (Pki)
OC.TIFI-TIFI Kihikihi (Zanclus canescens), (Chaetodon auriga), (Zebra somaveliferum) (Pki)
CE.TII-KARO Kiiʔalo Dig out (as the eyes), scoop out (Pki)
EC.TIKE.1B Kiʔe(kiʔe) High, lofty, important, exalted (Pki)
CE.TIKI.1 Kiʔi Image (Pki)
CE.TIKI.2 Kiʔi-na Fetch, procure, send for, go after (Pki)
CE.TIKI.3 Haa/kiʔi To tie, bind (Pki)
CE.TIKI-RAU Kiʔilau A place in`Ewa, `O`ahu (Pukui 1983.5) (Pki)
CP.TIKO.A Kiʔo Excrete, evacuate (Pki)
PN.TILA Kila High place (Pki)
TA.TII-RAFA Kiilaha Broad, wide, ample, enlarged Problematic (Pki)
FJ.TILI.2 Kili Raindrops, fine rain (Pki)
MP.TIRO Kilo Watch closely (Pki)
NP.TIMO.2 Kimo Bob the head, bend or fall forward, nod with drowsiness (Pki)
NP.TINA-QI Kinai Quench, as fire, put out (Pki)
AN.TINA-NA.A Kiinana Mother bird and brood (Pki)
EP.TINI.1B Kini Multitude, many, forty thousand (Pki)
PN.TINI-LAU Kinilau 'Multitude' - a fishing god (Bwh)
OC.TINO.A Kino Body, person, individual, self; main portion (Pki)
CE.TIO.1 Kio Cheep, chirp (Pki)
MP.TIO.2 Kio Shellfish species (Pki)
MP.TIPA Kipa Turn aside (Pki)
CE.TII-PAO Kiipaopao To scoop out the earth from the side as by the sea hammering on the coast Problematic (Pki)
CE.TII-PAPA Kiipapa Prone position on a surfboard; to assume such (Pki)
OC.TIPI.1A Kipi Dig with sharp tool (Pki)
NP.TII-PUTA Kiipuka Short shoulder cape; cloak; poncho (Pki)

2221 entries found