New Zealand Maori entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.A A(a) Proper article before personal and locative class bases standing as subject and before personal class bases following prepositions ki,i,kei,hei (Bgs)
PN.AA- -Aa- In the manner of (Bgs)
AN.QAA.1 W/aa/waa Palisade (Wms)
NP.AE Aae Yes, agree, consent (Wms)
PN.QAQEWA Aewa To wander, go round about (Wms)
MP.AFAA Aawhaa Storm, hurricane Problematic (Wms)
MP.QAFATO Aawhato, aawheto Large caterpillar, larva of (Sphinx convolvuli) (Wms)
MP.AFE.1A Awhe-a Pass round, or behind v.i., v.t.; surround, beset; stir, disturb; a greenstone pendant with the end curved; scoop up, gather into a heap (Wms)
MP.AFE.1A Hawhe = Awhe- [No examples given] (Wms)
NP.AFE.1B Awhe Stir, disturb (as by wind) (Wms)
PN.QAA-FEA Aawhea When (future interrogative) (Wms)
AN.AFI Ahi Fire (Wms)
MP.QAFI Awhi-tia Embrace (Bgs)
AN.AFIAFI Ahiahi Evening (Wms)
MP.AFO Aho Cord, especially fishing line (Wms)
EO.AFU.1 Aahu/nga Generation.> (Wms)
PN.AFU.2 Ahu/nga Generation n. Problematic (Wms)
PN.QAFU.1 Ma/ahu/ Steamy (Wms)
EO.QAFU.2 Ahu Heap up; sacred mound (Wms)
EO.QAFU.2 Tua/ahu/ Altar (Wms)
NP.AAFUA Aahua Form, appearance, likeness (Wms)
NP.QAFULU A/ahuru/ A fish (auchoceros punctatus) (Wms)
CP.AGA Anga Aspect (Wms)
NP.QAGA.2 Anga Hard outer covering, shell, husk (Wms)
NP.QAGA.2 Anga/anga Head (Wms)
PN.QAGAQAGA Angaanga Head Problematic (Wms)
AN.AGI.1 A/angi Light air (Wms)
AN.AGI.1 Angi/angi Light breeze (Wms)
PN.AGI.2 Angi(angi) Unencumbered; thin; light, gentle breeze (Wms)
CK.AGI.3 Angiangi A plant (Coprosma bauerii) (Wms)
NP.QAGO.A Ango/a Wasted away (Wms)
PN.QAGO.B Ango Gape, be open; be consumed (Wms)
AN.QAHO Ao Day (not night) (Wms)
OC.QAHU.1 Au Gall (Wms)
AN.QAHU.2 Au Smoke (Wms)
OC.AI.1 Ai Consequential and anaphoric postposed verbal particle (Bgs)
MP.QAI.2 Ai-tia Copulate with, fuck (Wms)
NP.QAA-I-LAA-NEI Aaianei Now, today, presently; the present time (Wms)
CE.AAIO Aaio Calm, as sea, at peace (Wms)
TA.AISE Aihe Driftwood; drifting (Wms)
AN.QAITU Aitu/aa Misfortune (especially a death); bad omen (Wms)
AN.AKA.A Aka Small root (Wms)
RO.AKA.B Aka Metrosideros spp. that begin life as climbing vines (Wms)
PN.AKE.A Ake(ake) (Dodonia spp.) (Wms)
CE.AKI Aaki-na Dash; beat, pound; abut on (Wms)
CE.AKI Aki/aki Beat, pound, urge on (Wms)
PN.-QAKI.1 -aki Non-productive formative suffix (Wms)
PN.AKIAKI Akiaki Red-billed Gull (Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus) (Wms)
MP.GUTU.A Koo/ngutu Mouth of a river (Wms)
MP.AKO Ako Learn, teach (Wms)

3398 entries found