New Zealand Maori entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.TULAKI Turaki-na Push over, overthrow (Wms)
AN.TULI.1 Turi Deaf (Wms)
FJ.TULI.2 Tu/turi/pourewa (Himantopus leucocephalus) White-headed Stilt (Wms)
AN.TURI Turi Knee (Wms)
CC.TULI-TULI Turituri What a noise; shut up! (Wms)
CE.TURORI Turori Stagger, totter (Wms)
AN.TULU.1 Turu(turu) Drip, leak (Wms)
MP.TULU.2 Turu Post, pole, upright (Wms)
CE.TURU Oo/turu/ Sixteenth night of the moon (Wms)
PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Tuurua-poo Middle of the night (Wms)
NP.TULU-KI Turuki Supplement, reinforce, replace (Bgs)
EC.TURUMA Turuma Ritually restricted place; latrine (Wms)
NP.TULU-TULU.1 Turuturu Upright stakes or posts in various constructions (Bgs)
CE.TUMA.2 Tuma/tuma Quarrelsome (Wms)
EO.TUMAQA Tuumaa Odd number in excess (Wms)
CE.TUUMATATEGA Tuumatatenga Apprehensive, sulky, overcome with grief (Wms)
PN.TUQU-MAQU Tuumau, tuumou Fixed, constant, permanent; continuous (Wms)
PN.TUME Tume Slow, dilatory (Wms)
EP.TUMU.1 Tumu Foundation (Wms)
PN.TUMU-QAKI Tumuaki Crown of head (Wms)
PN.TUMU-TUMU Whaka/tumutumu/ Heaped up, standing up (Wms)
AN.TUNA Tuna Fresh-water eel (Wms)
AN.TUNU Tunu Cook on open fire (Wms)
CE.TUU-ORO Tioro Scream, make a discordant sound (Wms)
CE.TUU-ORO Tioro, Tuoro, Tuna Tuoro A fabulous monster which was said to bark like a dog (Wms)
OC.TUPA Tupa Scallop (Wms)
EP.TUUPAAPAKU Tuupaapaku Corpse, cadaver (Bgs)
CE.TUU-PONO Tuupono Light upon accidentally, hit upon (Wms)
NP.TUU-POUPOU Tuupoupou Porpoise (Cephalorhyncjus hectori) Problematic (Wms)
AN.TUPU.A Tupu Grow (Wms)
AN.TUPU.A Tupu Grow, increase (Wms)
AN.TUPU.A Tipu Grow (Eastern dialect) (Bgs)
OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Goblin, demon, one versed in magic (Wms)
OC.TUPUQA.A Tipua Goblin, demon, one versed in magic (Wms)
CE.TUPUAKI.* Tipuaki Crown of head (Wms)
OC.TUPUNA Tupuna Grandparent (sing.), 2nd ascending generation relative, ancestor (Bgs)
CE.TUUPUNA Tuupuna Plural of tupuna "grandparent, ancestor" (Wms)
AN.TUSU.A Tuhi Point (to), indicate (Wms)
OC.TUSI Tuhi Adorn with colour, cause to glow, redden; write (mod.) (Bgs)
EC.TUU-TAQE.* Tuutae Excrement (Wms)
PN.TUQU-TAKI Tuutaki Junction, to close (e.g. of a door), to meet (Wms)
CE.TUU-TARA Tuutara Small talk, gossip; to slander, defame (Wms)
EP.TUTE.1 Tute Shove, push (Wms)
TA.TUU-TOKO Tuutoko-na Arise, start up (from sleep), well up (of emotions), regurgitate (of food) (Bgs)
EP.TUTU.1 Tutu Hoop (used as net spreader) (Wms)
CE.TUTU.2 Tutu A shrub (Coriaria spp.). The berries produce wine-coloured juice (Wms)
PN.-U Aa/u, oo/u Second person singular possessive postposed comment used when the determiner of the phrase is not te or ngā Problematic (Hlw)
PN.UU Uu-ngia Strike home of weapons or blows; reach (the land), arrive (by water) (Wms)
PN.UQU Uu-ria Bite, gnaw (Wms)
AN.UA.1 Ua/ua Vein, artery, sinew; firmness; difficult (Wms)

3411 entries found