New Zealand Maori entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
MQ.TAKEO | Takeo | Wearisome, trying, tedious Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Wms) |
CE.PUUTIKI | Puutiki | Tie together, knot together; knot; a method of dressing the hair in a knob on the top of the head, adopted by chiefs | (Wms) |
AN.FUFU.2 | Para/huhu | Strip off, as the cuticle from the fibre of flax; scutch; push up a sleeve or garment on the arm without rolling it | (Wms) |
CE.PAKARU | Paakaru(karu) | Break in pieces, break through, break forth | (Wms) |
CE.PAKARU | Pakaru | Shivered, broken, shattered; rent, torn, split; put to flight, dispersed; damage (n) | (Wms) |
CE.FAKA-RITE | Wha(k)arite | Make like; compare, liken; balance by an equivalent; put in order, arrange; fulfil, perform | (Wms) |
PN.FAKA-KITE | Whakakite | Reveal, disclose; display | (Wms) |
EP.KORE-GA | Korenga | Non-existence, absence, non-occurrence, etc.; broken place | (Wms) |
EP.TAFU.B | Tahu | Perform certain rites involving the use of fire; ?sacred rites; attract, tempt | (Wms) |
PN.FIA-MOHE | Hiamoe | Drowsy, sleepy; drowsiness | (Wms) |
CE.AO-MARAMA | Ao-maarama | World of life and light, as opposed to reinga [abode of departed spirits], or merely to seclusion | (Wms) |
OC.WELA.B | Wera/wera | Warm, warmth; sweat (n,v) | (Wms) |
CE.PUA-PUA.3 | Puapua | Break of a wave; Clematis paniculata, wreath | (Wms) |
PN.MATE.1E | Mate | Calmed down, subsided [ex. moana] | (Wms) |
CE.MAGA-GA | Manganga | Confusing, perplexing; confused, unintelligible Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Wms) |
PN.FAKA-AGI | Whakaangi | Fly (a kite); float, move easily, fall through the air... | (Wms) |
NP.EQA.B | Ea | Be requited, avenged | (Wms) |
CE.IWI.C | Iwi | Nation, people | (Wms) |
PN.KAI-GA.B | Kainga | Refuse of a meal, as cockle shells, etc. | (Wms) |
NP.KEKE | Kekee | Creak Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Wms) |
NP.KELO.2 | Kero(kero) | Blink the eyes, wink | (Wms) |
PN.KITE-A | Kitea | Passive of *kite* | (Bgs) |
CE.NAMU.2B | Whaka/namu/namu | Appear very small in the distance | (Wms) |
PN.LITO.2 | Koo/tiro | Girl | (Wms) |
PN.WALE.2 | Kuu(w)are | Ignorant; low in the social scale; held in no estimation | (Wms) |
NP.FENUQU.B | Whenu, wenu, whengu | Twist or spin a strand of cord | (Wms) |
NP.FENUQU.A* | Whenu, wenu, whengu | Strand of a cord; warp of a flax garment | (Wms) |
PN.MATA-QA-MURI | Maataamuri | Last, latter | (Wms) |
CE.MAIHI | Maihi, maahihi | Facing boards on the gable of a house... | (Wms) |
CE.NAU.3 | Nau | Come, go | (Wms) |
CE.NO-TE-MEA | Noo te mea | From the fact that, because | (Wms) |
PN.OFO.B | Oho | Start from fear, surprise, etc.; spring up; begin speaking | (Wms) |
PN.OFO.B | Oho/rere | Start suddenly; | (Wms) |
PN.FISU | Whiu/nga | Plaited border of a cloak | (Wms) |
PN.LAGI.5 | Rangi | Chief (generally in the form of respectful address: E rangi 'sir') | (Wms) |
CK.KOO-ITI | Kooiti | Little finger or toe; fingers, toes, generally | (Wms) |
FJ.LUFA | Ruha(ruha), ruwha | Ragged, worn out [exx. net, basket]; rag, worn-out garment, etc. | (Wms) |
CE.POU.2 | Uru/pou | To plunge (vi) | (Wms) |
CE.POU.2 | Tuu/pou | Bow the head, stoop down; fall or throw oneself headlong; dive; headlong, head first... | (Wms) |
NP.TAKELE.C | Takere | Partly filled | (Wms) |
CE.TAI-TAMA | Taitama | Young man | (Wms) |
FJ.TOFA.1A | Toha/toha | Spread abroad (vt); disperse, scatter (vi) | (Wms) |
PN.WAHA-WAHA | Wawaa | Scattered, separated, distributed | (Wms) |
EP.MAMAIA | Mama | Perform certain rites with the object of nullifying a hostile spell or of removing tapu Problematic | (Wms) |
EP.MAALOO.C | Maaroo | Fathom, measured with the arms extended | (Wms) |
PN.RAQA-KAU.B | Raakau | Wood, timber; stick, spar, mast; weapon; wooden | (Wms) |
PN.TOLO.2B | Toro-na | Stretch forth, extend; thrust or impel endways | (Wms) |
PN.TAA.4B | Taa, taia | Net (vt) | (Wms) |
PN.TAA.4B | Taa/nga | The operation of netting or weaving | (Wms) |
PN.FIA-INU | Hiainu | Thirst | (Wms) |
3411 entries found