Niue entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.QUTA.1 Uta Inland, shore, ashore; east (Sph)
NP.-U-TOU -mu(to)lu Second person plural possessive suffix Problematic (Sph)
PN.UTU.2 Utu Pull up, harvest (tuber crops) (Sph)
OC.QUTU.1 Utu To fill (with liquid) (Sph)
OC.QUTU.3 Utu Fish spp., barracuda (Sphyraena spp.) and grey jobfish (Aprion virescens) (Sph)
FJ.UTUA Tuatua Flat area on the reef; land (at the back of the village) Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
EO.WAA.1 Vaa To mock Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
AN.WAQE Vee Leg, foot (respectful term) (Sph)
PN.WAHA-WAHA Vahavaha To be spread out widely, to be spaced (Sph)
PN.WAHE-GA Vahega Class, part, division (of church); type, kind, species (Sph)
MP.WAI.1 Vai Water; medicine; chemical compound (Sph)
PN.WAI-KELI Vaikeli Well (Sph)
PN.WAI-PUNA Vai-puna A spring (Sph)
AN.WAKA.A Vaka Canoe (Sph)
PN.WALA.2 Vala Piece, particle, portion Problematic (Sph)
PN.WALE.2 Vale Angry, wild, mad with somebody (Sph)
OC.WALI.1 Vali To paint; smear, spread something onto a surface. Whitewash (McE). (Sph)
PN.WALO.1 Kai va/valo To curse Uncertain Semantic Connection (McE)
OC.WALO-WALO Aloalo A spreading shrub plant (Premna taitensis) (used for medicinal purposes, leaves rubbed on body to keep evil spirits away). Also (Premna corymbosa) (Ykr). (Sph)
AN.WALU.1 Valu Eight (Sph)
OC.WALU.2 Valu Kingfish. Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor) (Sph). (McE)
PN.WARU Volu, vou, voku To scrape Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
CP.WANA Vana Sea urchin (Echinothrix sp.) (Sph)
PN.WANA-WANA Vanavana Spiny, prickly (Sph)
NP.WAANAGA Vaga/hau To speak, talk; language Problematic (Sph)
MP.WAO.A Vao Bush, bush land (often used figuratively to refer to the 'uncivilised' and 'wild' areas of the land, as opposed to 'cultivated' and 'settled' land) (Sph)
CP.WASA Vaha Horizon, expanse of the ocean (Sph)
XW.VAVAE.* Vavae Kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra); cotton plant (Gossypium barbadense) (Sph)
OC.WAWE Vave To hurry; be quick, fast (Sph)
CP.WEKA.1 Veka Banded Rail (Rallus philippensis) (Sph)
OC.WELA.A Vela Burnt, scorched (Sph)
OC.WELA.B Vela Hot; heat (Sph)
PN.WELO.1 Velo Throw (spear, dart or similar sharp pointed object), to spear (Sph)
CE.WESE.* Vehe Divide, separate, share out Problematic (Sph)
CE.WESE.* Ma/vehe To part, say goodbye; to promise Problematic (Sph)
CE.WESE.* Ma/vehe/vehe Scattered; separated; in pieces, fallen apart Problematic (Sph)
PN.WETE.1 Vete To undo, untie, open up (Sph)
PN.WEWE.A Veve Rubbish (Sph)
PN.WEWE.A Veve/veve Fruit left on a tree because it is out of reach (McE)
OC.WE-WELA Vevela Hot, very warm [ex. sun] (Sph)
PN.WII.B Vivii Intensive used with kona (bitter). (Teeth) on edge; irritated, acrid (Sph). (McE)
OC.WII.A Vii A tree, Tahitian apple or Brazilian plum, (Spondias cytheria) (Sph)
CE.WIKI.1 Viki To spring, to jump quickly Problematic (Sph)
PN.WIKI.2 Viki/a Hint, be rumoured, reported Uncertain Semantic Connection (McE)
OC.WILI.1A Vili Bore; gimlet. To spin; spinning-top (Sph). (McE)
OC.WISI Vihi Entangled, trapped [ex. fly in spider web]. Plaited (McE). (Sph)
OC.PULAKA Pulaka Xanthosoma violaceum, a plant similar to taro, with thick tuberous edible rhizome (Sph) (Sph)
PN.MAQA-LAWA Mamalava A tree (Elaeocarpus tonganus) (Sph)
PN.FAU-QIGO Fou igo A plant, a prickly hibiscus (Hibiscus abelmoschus); (Hibiscus diversifolius) (Whr) (Sph)
PN.FAKA-QILO Fakailo/a To inform, to make known (Sph)

2724 entries found