Niue entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.TUQU.3A Tuu/tuu Cut up, chop; sever (lit. and fig.) (Sph)
PN.TUQU.3A Tuu/tia Be cut (Sph)
EO.TUQA.1A Tua Back (n) (Sph)
PN.TUQA.1C Tua/tua Flat area on the reef (Sph)
PN.TUQA-.2A Tua- Ordinal layer of something (Sph)
OC.TUAI Tuai Old, ancient; stale (of food); (postverbal) marks perfect aspect: already, early (Sph)
EO.TUFA.1 Tufa To share out, distribute (Sph)
PN.TUFUGA Tufuga Expert, talented or skilful person; to make expertly, be skilful in making (Sph)
PN.TUGA.B Tuga Spotted, blemished, bruised (mainly of tapioca tubers) (Sph)
TO.TULU-TAA Tulutaa To drip, to splash (implies the dripping sound). A drop of water (McE). (Sph)
CE.TUGAANE.* Tugaane Brother of a woman, male cousin of a female Problematic (Sph)
OC.GOLO Tu/golo To snore. To sleep (respectful) (McE). (Sph)
PN.TUGI.* Tugi Light a fire, burn (v.t.) (Sph)
AN.TUI Tui To thread (e.g. objects on necklace); sew; pierce; wear; fold (arms or legs) (Sph)
FJ.TUQI Tui Chief (term used in addressing dignitaries; also affectionate term used by wife for husband) (Sph)
FJ.TUI-TUI.2 Tuitui Candlenut (Aleurites moluccana) (Sph)
PN.TUKE.1 Tuke/tuke Crippled; also of a crab that has lost its legs (Sph)
PN.TUKE.2 Tuke/ua Shoulder (Sph)
AN.TUKI.A Tuki To knock, smash; to mash, pound, hammer (Sph)
PN.TUKU.B Tuku To place, put (Sph)
CP.TUKU.A Tuku To bury (of people) (Sph)
PN.TUQU-RAGA Tuuaga Position, rank; status,; standing place (Sph)
MP.TULAKI Faka/tulaki To end (of life, journey) (vt) Borrowed Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
FJ.TULE-QI Tulei Thrust, push. Push over (Sph). (McE)
FJ.TULE-QI Tulu/tulei (hifo) Throw down. Push over (pl.obj.) (Sph). (McE)
FJ.TULE-QI Ma/tulei To die. (Used only of chiefs) (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
AN.TULI.1 (Teliga)tuli Deaf (Sph)
PN.TULI.3 (Tu)tuli To hunt, chase. Drive, pursue, go after (McE). (Sph)
AN.TURI Tuli Knee or elbow Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
AN.TULU.1 Tulu To drip (vi) (Sph)
AN.TULU.1 Tu/tulu/ Leak through a hole (McE)
AN.TULU.1 Tulu/taa Drop of water (McE)
PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Tuulotopoo Midnight Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
AN.TUMA.1 Tuma Body louse (Wbr)
EO.TUMAQA Tumaa Approximate counting units (refers to numbers 1 to 9 in units of 10 or greater; comparable to the English expressions "some twenty odd" , "some fifty odd" and so on; can be used to give the impression that the number is larger than the actual one (Sph)
PN.TUQU-MAQU Tuumau To be or have always; constant, permanent, regular (Sph)
EP.TUMU.1 Tumu Cavity or hollow (in rocks, trees, etc.) where water collects Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
PN.TUMU-QAKI Tumuaki Top (of achievement); crown of head (Sph)
PN.TUMU-QAKI Tumuaki ulu Top of head (Sph)
PN.TUMU-TUMU Tumutumu Collection, gathering together, heap, mound; to heap up Uncertain Semantic Connection (McE)
AN.TUNA Tuna A fresh water eel (Sph)
AN.TUNU Tunu To boil, broil, roast (McE)
OC.TUPA Tupa Crab (McE)
AN.TUPU.A Tupu To grow, sprout; to descend from; to happen, to spring up (Sph)
OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Giant, legendary creature, monster, ogre; ancient god; idol; cactus plant (Sph)
OC.TUPUNA Tupuna Ancestor (Sph)
AN.TUSU.A Tuhi To point (Sph)
PN.TUQU-TAKI Tuutaki To join together (vt); to take after [resemble]; disciple (Bib.) (Sph)
PN.TUQU-RAGA Tulana The sacred spot in a house where an idol was placed Phonologically Irregular (McE)
AN.TUTU.3 Tutu To beat with a stick, to beat hiapo bark for cloth (Sph)

2724 entries found