Nukumanu entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
MP.MALO | Paa/maro | Curtain; cloth | (Trt) |
EC.TURUMA | Taruma | Tomb | (Trt) |
NO.MINI-MINI | Mmini | Wrap (in cloth) | (Trt) |
OC.TAKA.1A | Haka/taka/pe | Roll (vt) | (Trt) |
PN.HAGA.2 | Ana | Face (v) | (Trt) |
NP.TAI-QAO | Te aho taiao raa | The next day | (Trt) |
NO.FAKA-PULU | Hakappuru | (Watch) closely | (Trt) |
PN.MAA-TINO | Haka/maatino | (Official) seal | (Trt) |
SO.POLE.B | Pore/ppore | Tremble (mult.,pl.) | (Trt) |
PN.TOKO-RUA | Tokorua raa | The two of them | (Trt) |
SO.TAPU-VAQE | Tapuvae | Feet | (Trt) |
PN.TE.1 | Te | Singular definite article | (Trt) |
PN.RAA | Raa | Phrase final particle of definiteness | (Trt) |
EC.NI.1 | Ni | Past tense marker | (Trt) |
OC.E.1A | E | Non-past verbal particle | (Trt) |
OC.MAA.1 | Ma | Connects tens with units | (Trt) |
PN.KIA.1A | Ki | So that; marks complements of verbs of command | (Trt) |
PN.QO | N/o | Sequential same-actor verbal conjunction | (Trt) |
NO.NAPA | Napa | Ashamed | (Trt) |
NO.A-LAA | Alaa | Other | (Trt) |
EC.KAMAI | Kamai | (Elegatis bipinnulatus) | (Hwd) |
NO.KA-PISI | Kapihi | Happen | (Trt) |
EC.LII-TAI | Riitai | Bird sp. (prob. Puffinus pacificus) | (Hwd) |
PN.KALO-AMA | Karo | Young goatfish | (Hwd) |
EC.LAGAI | Laanai | Raft | (Hwd) |
PN.TAMA.1C | Tama | Person | (Trt) |
PN.MA.3 | Ma | From | (Trt) |
NO.PUNI.1C | P/puni | (Eyes) closed | (Trt) |
PN.KAPA-KAU | Te Kapakau Nounou | Constellation: Monocerus | (Fbg) |
NO.MATA-KAINA | Matakaina | Town, city; household, home place | (Trt) |
NO.PILI.1C | Haka/piri | Add, join; place (hand) on | (Trt) |
PN.RAQA-RAQA | Raraa | Branches | (Trt) |
EC.LII-TAI | Litai, tiritai | Shearwater (Puffinus sp.) | (Hdn) |
PN.TAWAKE | Tavake | White-tailed tropicbird | (Hdn) |
PN.TAWAKE | Tavake/toto | Red-tailed tropicbird | (Hdn) |
SO.KANAPU.1 | Kanapu | Red-footed booby | (Hdn) |
XO.KATOKO | Ha/katoko | Brown booby | (Hdn) |
OC.MALAU.2 | Marau | Dusky scrubfowl | (Hdn) |
NP.KIWI.1* | Te/kivi | Pacific golden plover, Mongolian plover, and all migratory waders | (Hdn) |
EC.KAPO.2 | Te/kapo | A very small migratory wader sp., perhaps a sandpiper or stint. Grey-tailed tattler. | (Hdn) |
FJ.TULI.2 | Tiri/tavoi | Common sandpiper | (Hdn) |
PN.TALA.4 | Tara/hora | Greater crested tern | (Hdn) |
PN.TALA.4 | Tara/auri | Sooty/bridled tern | (Hdn) |
SO.LAPITI | Lopiti | Black-naped tern | (Hdn) |
CP.GOGO.1 | Te/noo | Brown noddy | (Hdn) |
PN.LUPE.1 | Te/rupe | Pacific imperial-pigeon | (Hdn) |
CP.KAALEWA | Manu/kareva | Oriental cuckoo | (Hdn) |
NO.SIKI-SIKI | Hihi/tau | Island monarch Phonologically Irregular | (Hdn) |
XO.KANO.1B | Kano/henua | People; crowd | (Trt) |
PN.FAKA-TOO.B | Hakatoo/too | (Sun) decline | (Trt) |
873 entries found