Pukapuka entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.TAAU-GA.B Taaunga Basket container for coconut water guards (Bge)
CE.TAUIRA Tauila Small fish driven into lagoon and to the beach shallows by electrical storms Problematic (Bge)
PN.TAURA Taula Rope, thread, yarn (Mta)
PN.TAAULA-QATUA Taula/atua Person who can perform miracles of foresee the future (Mta)
PN.TAU-LAGA Taulanga Canoe anchorage; a roosting, resting or dwelling place (Bge)
PN.TAU-LUA Taulua A pair (Bge)
PN.TAUMAFA Taumaya To eat Problematic (Bge)
NP.TAU-MATA Taumata Anything worn to protect the head from the sun (Bge)
CP.TAUME Taume Flower-sheath of Coconut (Bge)
TA.TAUPOO Taupoo A kind of boil (prob. Rar. borrowing) (Sby)
PN.TAU-SALA Tauyala Good, fine, pleasant Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mta)
EO.TAU-TAHI Tautai Fishing expert (Sby)
OC.TAWAHI Tavai Foreign tree sp. in chants (Sby)
PN.TAWAKE Tavake mokomoko White-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaeton lepturus) (Bge)
PN.TAWAKE Tavake toto Red-tailed Tropicbird (Sby)
PN.TAWA-TAWA Tavatava (Gymnosarda unicolor) (Hpr)
PN.TE.1 Te Definite article (Bge)
CP.TEA Tea Bright (of light, colour) (Mta)
OC.TEFE Teetee Scrape or peel taro with downward motion Problematic (Bge)
PN.TEGA.1B Puu/tenga/ Thigh (Bge)
NP.TEE-IA.* Teia This (Bge)
NP.TEE-IA.* Teeia This (in chants); limited to phrase "teeia wawine" (Sby)
PN.TEKA.1 Ta/teka Roll (Sby)
FJ.TEKE.2 Teke Lean on, rest against; wooden back-rest (Bge)
NP.TEKI.1 Teki Hop on one foot; to rise Problematic (Bge)
PN.TELE.1 Tele To slice ; scraped taro or puraka (Mta)
PN.TERE.B Tele Journey, voyage (n) (Bge)
NP.TEE-NEI Teenei This (Sby)
TA.TENI Waka/teni/teni Praise [prob. post-contact borrowing from RAR] Problematic (Sby)
PN.TETE Tete To shake, shudder ; shiver, tremble (Mta)
AN.TIA.2 Tia Sexual organs (Bge)
EP.TIAKI Tiaki/na Wait for, guard Problematic (Sby)
PN.TIALE Tiale (Gardenia taitensis) (Bge)
OC.TIFI-TIFI Tiwitiwi Fish spp. (Chaetodon spp.) (Bge)
OC.TIFI-TIFI Tiitii taeyinu Ornate butterflyfish (Chaetodon ornatissimus) Problematic (Sby)
OC.TIKA.A Tika Dart (Bge)
EP.TIKA.B Tika True, correct Problematic (Bge)
EC.TIKE.1B Tiketike High, height Problematic (Bge)
??.TIKE.1C Tuu/tiketike Stand on tiptoe (Sby)
CP.TIKO.A Ti(ti)ko To defecate (Bge)
PN.TILA Tila Mast (Bge)
PN.TILI.1A Tili(tili) To throw (Bge)
MP.TIRO Tilo To gaze upon (Bge)
NP.TIMO.2 Timo To grip in wrestling; lie in wait for a woman (Bge)
AN.TIMU.1 Timu Wind (Bge)
TA.TIMU.2 Timutimu Tip, top, uppermost part Problematic (Bge)
EP.TINI.1B Tini Many, countless; number 10000 Problematic (Bge)
PN.TINIFU Te tiniu The women-folk (Bge)
PN.TINI-LAU Tinilau Male associated with Yina in stories (Sby)
OC.TINO.A Tino Body ; trunk of tree. Main part of canoe without outrigger (Sby). (Mta)

2228 entries found