Pukapuka entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.SUE.1 Yue The balloon fish, Tetrodon [Arothron] meleagris. Globefish (Arothron and Canthigaster spp.) (Sby). (Bge)
PN.SUI Yui Replace, substitute; follow; yii yui find revenge (Bge)
PN.SUI Yu/yui To change, substitute for (Bge)
PN.SUKE (Yu)yuke To open, expose. (Bge)
PN.SUKE Yu/yuke Turn over (as a stone, pages of a book) (Mta)
MP.SUKI.A Yuki Pierce, stab (Sby)
MP.SUKI.A Yuki/yuki Pry out, pick out, push out; sharp pointed stick used to poke in rock crevices when groping for fish (Bge)
TA.SURA Yula/a Expose, uncover. Prominent (Sby). Borrowed (Bge)
MP.SULI Yuli A small branch, a sapling, shoots (Bge)
MP.SULU.1A Yulu Finishing off plaiting-edge by use of a "needle"; to place in, fasten in ; insert (Sby)
MP.SULU.2 Yuyulu Shine ; illuminate, as light of the moon (Sby)
NP.SUME Yume Clasp something between thighs; put on (as a loincloth); a sanitary pad (Bge)
OC.SUMU.2 Umu/lenga Orangelined Triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus) Phonologically Irregular (Sby)
NP.SUU-PEQE.* Yuupee Nasal mucus (Mta)
TA.SUU-WARE.* Yuuvale To spit; spittle, saliva Borrowed (Bge)
EO.TAA.1A Taa Strike (Bge)
AN.TAA.1B Taa Cut, cut out (Bge)
PN.TAA.1C Taa/tatau Sp. of butterflyfish with four spots Problematic (Sby)
PN.TAA.2 Taa Hand of bananas (Mta)
MP.TAQA.1 Taa Squirrelfish (Sargocentron spp.) (McC)
FJ.TAE.2B Tae Net fish in air, make an overhead swoop with net (Bge)
OC.TAAEQA Taaea Paddletail snapper (Lutjanus gibbus) (Sby)
NP.TAKA.1C Taka Division of the village guard (pule) assigned to one watch-house. Small work group (Sby). (Bge)
EO.TAFA.1A Tawa Edge, side (Bge)
PN.TA-FAGA.A Tawanga Apart, separate; space between two places Uncertain Semantic Connection (Bge)
PN.TAFA-QAKI-LAGI Tawatawaalangi Horizon. Lower part of the sky (Sby). (Mta)
NP.TAFA-TAI Tawa/a/tai Seaside (Bge)
PN.TAFA-QULI Tawauli Large size of black trevally (Caranx lugubris) (Sby)
SO.TAFE-A Tawe Flow, run (Bge)
EO.TAFI Tawi To insult, swear at, curse; insult, oath Problematic (Bge)
CE.TAFITI.1 Tawiti Tahiti. (Sby)
CE.TAFITO.B Tawito Old. Problematic (Bge)
NP.TAFO-LAQA.* Tawolaa Whale (Bge)
FJ.TAFU.A Tau Set, make a fire (Mta)
EP.TAFUQA Taua Floor Borrowed (Mta)
SO.TAGA.3 Tanga Common, not tapu (Bge)
PN.-TAGA.4 -tanga As in monotanga: island-wide feast; nootanga: group of people; wonotanga: ankle, joint (Sby)
PN.TAGALOA.A Tangaloa Descriptive of a class of gods (Bge)
MP.TAGATA Tangata Person (Bge)
PN.TAGAQU Tangau A red snapper fish ; yellow-margined Sea Perch (Lutjanus fulvus) (Sby)
AN.TAGI.A Tangi Cry. complain (Bge)
OC.TAGO.A Tango Take hold, grasp (Bge)
MP.TAHI.1 Tai Sea, beach, tide (Bge)
EO.TAHI.2 Tai uli Dark wood (esp. of Cordia subcordata) (Sby)
AN.TAHINA Taina (pl. taaiina) Younger sibling of the same sex (Bge)
NP.TAI-QAO Taayao Morning (modern form) (Sby)
NP.TAI-QAO Taeyao Early morning, tomorrow (Bge)
NP.TAIKI.* Tayiki The dark inner wood of a tree (Bge)
NP.TAIKI.* Taiki Log of wood (Mta)
PN.TAIKO Taiko Dusky Shearwater (Puffinus obscurus) (Bge)

2228 entries found