Takuu entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.KA.1 | Ka | Tense-aspect marker | (Hwd) |
XO.KAA.2 | Kaa | Sharp (of an edge only) | (Mle) |
MP.KAFA.1 | Kafa | Sennit | (Hwd) |
SO.KAFI | K/kafi/ | Able to sail directly to a point; skilful, knowledgeable Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Hwd) |
MP.KAFU.A | Kafu | Clothes, clothe oneself | (Hwd) |
PN.KAFU.B | Kahukahu karamata | The transparent covering over the pupil of the eye; cataract; covering over the eye; eyelid | (Mle) |
EC.KAFUSU.* | Ka(a)vusu | Tree sp. Phonologically Irregular | (Hwd) |
MP.KAHA.1 | Kaa | Alight | (Hwd) |
AN.KAI.1A | Kai-na | Eat, bite (of fish), gnaw; meal | (Mle) |
OC.KAI.2 | Kaai | Fern sp. (Arachniodes aristata); creeper (Fabaceae sp.) Problematic | (Mle) |
SO.KAI-MAALIE | Kaimarie | Generous | (Mle) |
SO.KAIPEA.* | Kaipea | Generic name for crabs. Constellation: four stars within Cancer.... | (Mle) |
EO.FAKA-FOHA | Kafoa | Sore | (Hwd) |
EC.KA-KAFI | Kkahi | Sail direct to a location (depending on the wind direction) | (Mle) |
PN.KAKALA | Kkara | Fragrance, aroma; delicious, fragrant | (Mle) |
PN.KAKE | Kake | Climb (up), ascend, rise, increase; board a canoe; (of a ship) run aground, (whale) stranded on the reef | (Mle) |
PN.KALAGA | Kannaa | Cry out (a name, etc.), call (to someone) Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
PN.KALEQA | Karea | General term for various types of univalve molluscs. Conch-shell (Hwd). | (Mle) |
EC.KALEVE | Kareve | Coconut toddy made from the collected sap from an inflorescence of the coconut tree | (Mle) |
NP.KALI-KAO | Karikao | Fish-hook made of trochus shell used for bonito fishing | (Mle) |
EO.KALISI.1A | Karisi | Lizard sp. (small and brown, with blue and green colorations down its length) | (Mle) |
PN.KALO.1 | Karo | Dodge, avoid, shirk, divert, detour | (Mle) |
PN.KALO-AMA | Karo | Goatfish (Mullidae auriflamma), juvenile growth stage of vete | (Mle) |
FJ.KALOLO | Kalloo | Cord running along the top and bottome edges of a long net | (Mle) |
PN.KAMA-KAMA.1 | Kamakama | Name for at least two kinds of edible rock crab | (Mle) |
CC.KAMA-KAMA.2 | Kamakama/nnii | Fish sp. | (Hwd) |
SO.KAMU.3 | Kamu | Small branching coral sp. with sharp spines | (Mle) |
MP.KANAHE | Kanae | Sea Mullet (Mugil cephalus) | (Mle) |
SO.KANAPU.1 | Kanapu. Kenapu (Hdn). | Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) | (Mle) |
EC.KANE-KANE | Kanekane | Anus | (Mle) |
PN.KANIWA | Kaniva | Cloud Borrowed | (Mle) |
PN.KANIWA | Takaniva | The Milky Way | (Mle) |
NP.KANOFI | Kanofi | Vulva | (Hwd) |
FJ.KANU | Kanu | Design or pattern with which something is covered, as a fish, turtle, tattoo | (Mle) |
OC.KAO.3 | Kao | Long-necked sea bird similar to a heron which walks in shallow water and stabs fish with its beak | (Mle) |
PN.KAO-KAO | Ivi kaukau | Bone, rib Phonologically Irregular | (Hwd) |
PN.KAPA-KAU | Kapakau | Wing of a bird, pectoral fin of a fish, flipper of a turtle, arm (from shoulder to fingertips); measure of distance from one's fingertip to one's shoulder | (Mle) |
PN.KAPE.2 | Kape | Lift up and remove by using a stick, one's extended finger, or a similar object; take up, lever up; remove from fire, shove away using the foot; forcibly remove | (Mle) |
AN.KAPI.A | Hak/kapi | Hold under arm; tuck into the waistband of laplap; use tongs... | (Mle) |
PN.KAPI.B | Kapi | Part of a backstrap loom: the two wooden bars at each end of the loom which hold it taut during the weaving... | (Mle) |
NO.KAAPITI.2 | Kaapiti | Mat woven from a single coconut frond used for walls of house | (Mle) |
XO.KASAGA. | Kasana | Ring (on one’s finger) | (Mle) |
MP.KASI.1 | Kasi | Bivalve mollusc sp., shell used for scraper | (Mle) |
PN.KASIKASI | Kasikasi | Skin condition (of dog or human) brought about by much scratching of the skin; scabies, mange | (Mle) |
PN.KATA.1 | Kata | Laugh, smile | (Mle) |
OC.KATAFA.A | Katafa | Frigate bird | (Hwd) |
OC.KATEA | Katea | Side of a canoe away from the outrigger. Canoe proper (as opposed to the outrigger side) (Hwd). | (Mle) |
AN.KATI | Kati/kati | Abrade, rub or scratch against something Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Mle) |
PN.KATOA | Katoa | All, full, ten | (Hwd) |
PN.KA-KAU.1 | Kkau | Swim | (Mle) |
2219 entries found